Serge Dos Santos
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  • Phone : +33 2 54 55 84 27
  • Location : Blois, France
Last update 2024-02-02 17:01:19.586

Serge Dos Santos Associate Professor, Hab. Dir. Rech.

Course and current status

Serge Dos Santos was born in Valenciennes, France, in 1971. In 1995, he received the Master Degree of Physics with the mention Molecular Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Physics from the University of Dijon, France. His research interests are in the broad area of signal processing for Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and biomedical applications, with a special focus on nonlinear ultrasonics instrumentation, nonlinear sources localization, and multimodal imaging involving nonlinear time reversal methods. He worked at the FEMTO Institute (LPMO CNRS), Besançon, France, on the study of the origin of low-frequency fluctuations in ultra-stable oscillators. He obtained a PhD degree in Engineering Science in 1998 for his contribution to understanding the link between low-frequency noise in oscillators and nonlinearity in synchronized systems. Then he joined the Ultrasonic Group ‘GIP Ultrasons’, created by Professor Léandre Pourcelot at Tours, France, working on the development of new medical and NDT applications of nonlinear acoustics for ultrasound imaging. In 1999, he obtained an Associate Professor position at the LUSSI-CNRS Laboratory, directed by Professor Frédéric Patat, also devoted to fundamental research on nonlinear acoustics and signal processing. In 2005, he was an invited researcher at Artann Laboratories Inc (Princeton, USA) working on the development of nonlinear time reversal acoustics methods. At 37 years old, he received his “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from the University of Tours, France. Currently, Serge Dos Santos is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Systems of the INSA Centre Val de Loire (INSA-CVL), Blois, France. His responsibilities include Administrative Council strategic development, relationships with local companies, universities and research institutions worldwide. Since 2009, he has conducted his research at the Inserm Unit U930 ‘Imaging and Brain’, directed by Professor Denis Guilloteau, working on biomedical applications of the advanced signal processing methods developed for the nonlinear NDT of complex materials. Since 2000, his research projects are granted and devoted to ultrasonic characterization of complex medium using nonlinear acoustics (AERONEWS FP6 European project ) for the aeronautic industry, advanced nonlinear signal processing using Lie groups, and nonlinear analysis of ultrasound contrast agent (UCA) for complex imaging, therapy applications and drug delivery applications with ultrasound and microbubbles. In 2013, he started a study, granted by the Région Centre Val de Loire and labelized by the International Cosmetic Valley cluster, working on the multiscale memory properties of the human skin extracted with TR-NEWS methods cited above. During the last 10 years, Serge Dos Santos conducted experimental research within invited stays at Artann Laboratories (2005 and 2007, Princeton, NJ, USA), Nottingham University (2005, UK), Exeter University (2007, UK) and VZLU Center (2006 and 2007, Prague) in order to test and validate nonlinear time reversal based NDT systems. His bibliography contains 197 references (H-index 2016 : 6) with 54 co-authors, including 16 reviewed contributions, 127 international conferences (17 invited) and 39 seminars or lectures. For his outstanding contribution to the growth and dissemination of Non Destructive Testing knowledge to the worldwide community, he was awarded by Academia NDT International as a Full Member (ECNDT 2010, Moscow), responsible of the Signal Processing Chapter. IEEE Senior Member in the IEEE EMBS Society. Since 2013, he received the Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (PES-PEDR) from the French National Council of University. He has been participating on the program committees for multiple years, as well as many other conferences and workshops. During the last five years, he was chosen as a member of the Organization or Scientific Committee of the VIth International Workshop NDT in Progress Meeting of NDT Experts, 10-12 October 2011, Prague, Czech Republic; the 12th International Conference titled ˝Application of Contemporary Non-destructive testing in Engineering˝ ICNDT2013, Slovenia; ECNDT 2014, October 2014 ; IEEE BEC2014, IEEE BEC2016, the Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems, Tallinn, IEEE IUS 2016, Tours (France) and the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing WCNDT2016, Munich, Germany,  and ICBME 2023.

Scientific summary

Serge Dos Santos main activity is devoted to promote and develop methologies for ultrasonic techniques in both medical and industrial applications. The team activities concern medical application of ultrasound and complex material characterization, theoretical modelling, instrumentation and signal processing for tests, measurements and imaging of the ageing of complex systems (oscillators, materials, structures and biological medium).

During the 1995-2023 period, he has over 249 references (H-index 2023 : 14) with 126 co-authors, including 1 book, 3 book chapters,  21 reviewed contributions, 175 international conferences (30 invited) and 50 seminars or lectures.

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