Marc Poirot
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33582741626
  • Location : Toulouse, France
Last update 2024-06-14 16:06:04.008

Marc Poirot PhD biological chemistry

Course and current status

1987:  Master of Science : « Chemistry of biomolecules », Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

1991: Ph.D.  in “Biological chemistry”, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

Dissertation Title: Synthesis and use of specific ligands for the characterization and the purification of the antiestrogen binding protein

1991-92: Sanofi Post-doctoral fellow, Sanofi Synthelabo, Labège France

1992:  research scientist (tenure) Inserm U-397, Toulouse

1993-96: Visiting Scientist in the Steroid Hormone Section, LMCB, NIDDK/National Institute of    Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

2003: « habilitation à diriger les recherches » (HDR), Toulouse University, Toulouse France

2005: Second class Research Director  (DR2), INSERM CSS7, Interface Chemistry-Biology.

2007: Chief, team « Metabolism, oncogenesis and cell differentiation”, CPTP, Inserm U-563, Toulouse, France

2011: Chief, team “Sterol metabolism and therapeutic innovations in oncology”, CRCT, UMR 1037 Inserm/ Toulouse University, Toulouse, France

2015: First class research director (DR1), INSERM CSS8 Health technologies, therapeutics and biotechnologies

2016: Chief, team “Cholesterol metabolism and therapeutic innovations”, CRCT, UMR 1037 Inserm/ Toulouse University, Toulouse, France

2021: Chief, team “Cholesterol metabolism and therapeutic innovations”, INOV, CRCT, UMR 1037 INSERM/UMR 5071 CNRS/Toulouse University, Toulouse, France

2023: recipient of the Schroepfer medal awarded by the American Oil Chemist's Society (AOCS) in recognition of the outstanding achievement I have done with my team on the field of sterols and steroids


Scientific summary

My research activities focus on the following themes:

1) the characterization of 5,6-epoxycholesterol branch on the cholesterol metabolic pathway

2) studies on cholesterol metabolism deregulations in cancers

3) identification and validation of new therapeutic targets in cancer

4) impact of the diet on cancer development

Image d’exemple