2002 - CNRS Researcher at the INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit (www.unicog.org), Neurospin center, CEA, Saclay, Leader of the INSERM Team "Neuroimaging of Language".
1998 - 2002 CNRS Researcher at the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguisique (LSCP) EHESS, Paris (www.lscp.net)
1997 - Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1996 - Postdoc at the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, New Jersey, USA
1994-95 - Postdoc at the University of Barcelona, Spain
After graduating from the Ecole polytechnique (Maths & Physics), my interests in Cognitives Sciences led me to pursue a doctorate in cognitive psychology, focusing on speech perception in humans. During my postdocs, and early career at the CNRS, I focused on bilingualism and language learning. Because loss in brain plasticity is often invoked as an explanation for the age effect observed on ultimate attainment, I turned to brain imaging, using magnetic resonance (MRI) to study these questions. My current research program tries to assess the format of linguistics representations in the brain.
see http://www.pallier.org for more details.