Pascal Cosette
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  • Phone : 02 35 14 63 97
  • Location : Mont Saint Aignan, France
Last update 2017-03-03 16:19:25.523

Pascal Cosette Professor of chemistry, University of Rouen, PhD molecular Biophysics

Course and current status

I hold a PhD in 1997 on the functional and structural characterization of peptides fragments mimicking membrane proteins. After a short stay in Oxford (Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics) dedicated to molecular modeling, I was recruited as assistant professor in 1999 at the University of Rouen and joined the UMR6270 CNRS.
Since 2010, I am Professor of Chemistry at the University of Rouen and, now, head of the PISSARO Proteomics Facility.
I am member of the Board of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB) and member of the board of the Associate Carnot Institute I2C.

Scientific summary

My main research interests concern the development of proteomics tools for strategies to characterize adherent or resistant bacteria (Oosthuizen et al, Appl Environ Microbiol. 2002; Khemiri et al, Anal Bioanal Chem. 2008) and to identify biomarkers in clinical situations of interest (Porte et al, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2017 ; Mezni et al, Research. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 ; Obry et al, Theranostics. 2015 ;
Cases et al, PLoS One. 2015 ; Fréret et al, Am J Pathol. 2013).
In particular, within the bacterial research thematic, two important topics are i) to highlight specific systems involved in bacterial adhesion and ii) to limit the capacity of bacteria to form biofilms (Vilain et al, Anal Chem 2004, Seyer et al, Biofilms 2005, Macé et al, PlosOne 2008, Nigaud et al, BBA 2010, Ben Mlouka et al, Anal Bioanal Chem 2015, Khemiri et al, Med Microbiol Immunol 2015).
I am co-author of 80 publications (h-factor 25).

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