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  • Phone : +33437282401
  • Location : Lyon, France
Last update 2023-11-16 13:42:28.963


Course and current status

Molecular Virologist

Current position

Tenured Researcher (DR2 INSERM)

From 2021: International Center for Infectiology Research, CIRI, INSERM U1111, Lyon, France; Team of Dr. David Durantel

Other research experiences

• 2015 - 2020: Cancer Research Center of Lyon, CRCL, INSERM U1052 CNRS UMR5286, lyon, France; Team of Prof. Fabien Zoulim

• 2009-2014: Post-doctorale position, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Institute of Virology, Munich, Germany; team of Prof. Ulrike Protzer

• 2005-2008: PhD training, INSERM U871; team of Prof. Fabien Zoulim



• 2018: Ability to conduct Research (HDR), University Claude Bernard Lyon I (UCBL), France

• 2008: PhD in Virology, University Claude Bernard Lyon I (UCBL), France

• 2005: Magistère in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon, France

• 2005: Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology, UCBL and ENS, France 



• 2016: Award from the Gilead Sciences International Research Scholars Program in Liver Disease

• 2015: Young Investigator award from the EASL

• 2014: Award from the Deutsche Leberstiftung (Liver German foundation) for a major publication in the field of hepatology 


Academic grants

• 2021: Grant from the French National Agency for Research against AIDS and viral hepatitis (ANRS)

• 2019: Grant from ANRS

• 2017: Grant from ANRS

• 2017: European Grant from Infect-Era

• 2015: Grant from ANRS

• 2015: Grant from FINOVI

• 2014: Post-doc stipend from the foundation of the French Association on Cancer Research (ARC)

• 2012: Post-doc stipend from the German Center for Research on Infection (DZIF)

• 2009: Sheila Sherlock Fellowship from the European Association for the Study of Liver diseases (EASL)

• 2006-2008 : PhD stipend from ANRS



• Oral communications (selected on abstract) in national and international meetings: >75 

• Posters (selected on abstract) in national and international meetings > 57

• Invited conferences in national and international meetings: 20

• Associate editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, section virology

• Reviewing activities for Gastroenterology, Gut, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Antiviral Research,  Scientific Report, the International Liver Congress… > 100

• Invited speaker for training sessions by Pharmaceutical Compagnies

• Society membership : EASL, InnaSCo, SFV

• Member of the AC42 board at ANRS (hepatitis fundamental)

Member of the international Hepatitis B Foundation’s emerging scholars Science and Medical Advisory Board 

• Member of organizing committee of the 1st (2018) and 2d (2019) InnaSCo symposium,  Member of the scientific committee of the “Réunion annuelle AC42 - Réseau national hépatites de l’ANRS”, 2022, 2023

• Supervision of master students (7), PhD students (6), post-doc (4), engineers and technicians 

• Casual lecturer at the Medical school of Laennec, University Claude Bernard Lyon I, France (2006-2008) 

Scientific summary

Around 250 million individuals are chronically infected by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 15-20 million of them are chronically infected with both HBV and hepatitis Delta viruses (HDV). This co-infection is one of the most prevalent worldwide and lead to the most aggressive chronic form of viral hepatitis, with an accelerated progression towards fibrosis/cirrhosis and an increased risk of liver failure, liver cancer and death. Current clinically accepted antiviral treatments for HBV generally lead to a transient or long-lasting reduction of viremia in the blood of patients but without clearance of the virus. Moreover, management of chronic hepatitis delta remains mostly empiric since there are currently no specific treatments. Pegylated interferon alpha, the only regimen recommended by international guidelines, is not well tolerated and can suppress HDV viremia in less than half of the treated patients with relapses after arrest of treatment often reported. The number of investigational drugs remains limited mainly because HDV can hardly be directly targeted. Using original and relevant systems such as primary liver cells, 3D cultures, as well as mouse models, our  research program aim at generating knowledges on the life-threatening HBV and HDV (co-)infections in order to develop innovative therapeutic strategies, including immune therapeutics. The specific aims are (1) determine the role of liver non-parenchymal cells in the establishment and maintenance of HBV/HDV (co)infections, (2) identify host and viral factors influencing HBV/HDV infections outcome and response to IFN alpha treatment, (3) understand how HDV super-infection accelerate and increase the liver diseases originally caused by HBV persistence, (4) test and develop innovative therapeutic strategies based on the use of PRR agonists, the targeting of the HBV core protein with specific inhibitors (DAA), or the targeting of host-factors (HTA) required for both HBV and HDV replications. 

Image d’exemple