Since 2014 INMED group leader Team “Neuronal coding of space and memory”
Since 2012 Senior research scientist (INSERM CR1,) at INMED-INSERM U901, Marseille, France
2008-2012 Junior research scientist (INSERM CR2) at INMED-INSERM U901, Marseille, France
2006- 2008 HSFP Research fellow, Laboratory of Pr. Dr. Michael Brecht (BCCN, Berlin, Germany)
2006 Post-doctoral fellow, Laboratory of Dr. Valérie Crépel at INMED-INSERM U901, Marseille, France
2001-2005 PhD Thesis under the supervision of Dr. V. Crépel in the Laboratory of Dr. Ben-Ari at INMED-INSERM U901, Marseille, France
The aim of our team is to understand the cellular/circuit mechanisms of hippocampal spatial coding and memory. To address this question we develop and apply new techniques to perform intracellular recordings from hippocampal cells in vivo in awake freely navigating animals or head-fixed animals navigating virtual reality environments.