I obtained my PhD in cardiovascular physiology from the University of Paris 7 in 1998. I was then a research fellow in Prof. Henry M. Sucov’s laboratory at the Institute of Genetic Medicine, University of South California, (Los Angeles, USA) from 1998 till 1999. In 1999, I started my independent research career as an associate professor (Paris-Diderot university) at the Cardiovascular Research Center Inserm Lariboisière (Lariboisière Hospital, INSERM U689) where my team made significant achievements deciphering the molecular pathways involved in post-ischemic vessel growth by combining genetic approaches in the mouse with a wide range of cell and molecular biology methods. In 2008, I successfully passed the competitive entrance examinations to the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) where I was instantly appointed Research Director. In 2009, I moved to the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center – INSERM & UP Cité UMR 970 (Georges Pompidou European Hospital) where I am leading a team working on regenerative therapies for cardiac and vascular diseases. Since 2023, I am the director of the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center.
-Editorial Board : Angiogenesis (2019-present), Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (Associate Editor, 2016-present), Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2010-present)
-Scientific Advisor : Scientific Advisory Board MEDIRAD (Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure), European Commission (2017-2019) ; Scientific advisor ERA-NET cardiovascular diseases, European Union (2016-2019) ; Member Writing group – Scientific Research Agenda – ERA-NET cardiovascular diseases – European Union.; Program Manager for the French National Research Agency – physiology/pathophysiology (2016-2019)
-Member of board directors: Doctoral School BioSPC, Paris University (2019-present), CORDDIM-Region île de France (2012-2015); Groupe de Recherche et de Réflexion Cardiovasculaire (2011-2012); French Society of Angiogenesis (2008-2011)
-Expert: CSS3 Inserm, European Research Council (Advanced grant), Norway Research Council, British Heart Foundation (UK), Diabetes WellnessNetwork Sverige (Sweden), Science Foundation Ireland (Ireland), Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland), National Science
Center (Poland), Institut Universitaire de France, National Research Agency, High Council for Evaluation of Research and HigherEducation (France)
2018-2022 Doctoral and Research Supervision award INSERM
2018 Top reviewer award, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
2017 Jeanne-Philippe Beziat Award, Cardiology, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
2014-2018 Award for scientific excellence INSERM
2012 Excellence research chair program, Paris 5 University
2010-2014 Award for scientific excellence INSERM
2007-2012 Excellence research chair program INSERM & Assistance Public – Hôpitaux de Paris
2006 Honorary member of Institut Universitaire de France
2005 French National Research Agency, Young Investigator award
1998 SEARLE young investigator award, Aldosterone conference, New Orleans, USA
Jean-Sébastien Silvestre, PhD: senior research director at the French National Health and Medical Research Institute (INSERM). My work focus on the identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating key events in post-ischemic tissue remodelling with potent revascularization and regenerative therapeutic promise. Since, 1995, I am a co-author of over 100 original research papers and over 40 reviews or book chapters.
Researcher ID: K-7695-2017; ORCID: 0000-0003-3962-2205
Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases, Ischemia, Regenerative medicine, Inflammation, Stem cells