MD (1994): Residency in Intensive Care and Anesthesiology
PhD (1995-1998): Pasteur Institute, Pr B.Vargaftig laboratory, Paris- Unité de pharmacologie Cellulaire INSERM U285
Post-doctoral fellow (1998-2001) : Pr Richard Ulevitch: Department of Immunology. Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA
CR1 INSERM (2003) in the INSERM U786, Pr P. Sansonetti, Pasteur Institute . Group leader in this unit 2009-2013
HDR (2013)
Group leader (2014): Institut Necker Enfant Malades-INEM (INSERM U1151)
INSERM Director (2015)
Laurence Arbibe (LA) is a team leader at the INEM since 2014. After a residency in Intensive Care and Anesthesiology, a PhD on the biochemistry of phospholipase A2 (Institut Pasteur, L. Touqui team) and a postdoc in immunology at the Scripps Research Institute (R. Ulevitch lab), she dedicated her career to academic research and focused on signal transduction pathways driving the innate immune response (Arbibe et al, Nature Immunol, 2000). LA has provided pioneering data showing that a bacterial effector can target epigenetic information carried by host promoter chromatin and thereby takes over the control of a small number of immune genes (Arbibe et al, Nature Immunol 2007). Using bacterial proteins as probes to identify new mechanisms controlling the immune epigenome, the group has accumulated expertise in the field of chromatin regulation of innate immune gene expression. The research is now focused on the mechanisms by which bacterial stress imposed by commensal or pathogenic bacteria can shape chromatin information and eventually destabilize the epigenome and genome in the gut.