2011 - Director Team 5 "Functional NeuroImaging and Brain Perfusion" at Grenoble - Institut des Neurosciences (GIN) U836 Inserm - UJF - CHU - CEA (C. Feuerstein then F. Saudou)
2001 - 2010 Researcher at Inserm U438 (M. Decorps), U594 (C. Segebarth) and U836 (C. Feuerstein)
1999 - 2001 Postdoctoral fellow at NIH (Bethsda, MD, USA), Advisor A. Koretsky
1994 - 1999 PhD Thesis at Université Lyon 1 and Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
I have a background in MRI physics. At the interface between physics and biology, I work on the development of MR imaging methods to characterize the brain microvasculature (arterial spin-labelling and susceptibility based approaches): blood flow, blood volume, blood-brain barrier permeability, vessel size/density, and tissue oxygen saturation. My main fields of application are acute brain pathologies such as brain tumours and brain ischemia but also other pathologies that involve the neurovascular unit, in experimental models and in patients.