From Jan 2014:
Research Scientist/Chargé de Recherche CR
INRA, French National Institute for Agricultural Research · Infectiologie et Santé Publique · Avian Collibacilosis. France · Nouzilly, Centre
Jan 2011–Jan 2014
Research Associate
University of Glasgow · Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation. United Kingdom · Glasgow
Apr 2009–Apr 2010
PhD visiting fellow
CNRS Orleans Campus · Immunologie et Neurogénétique Expérimentales et Moléculaires (INEM). France · Orleans
Feb 2007–Dec 2010
PhD in Pharmacology
Federal University of Minas Gerais · Departamento de Fisiologia e Biofísica. Brazil · Belo Horizonte
Biologist with a PhD in Pharmacology/Immunopharmacology (Mauro Teixeira's lab, UFMG, Brazil). Post-doctoral training in Mucosal Immunology and Host-Pathogen interactions (Eddy Liew's lab, Glasgow, UK). INRA Research Scientist (CR) with a major interest in leukocyte biology and comparative immunology. At INRA/Nouzilly I aim to understand the chicken inflammatory response to avian pathogens. We focus on early mediators on inflammation, with a great interest on cytokines, lipids and vascular mediators. Sterile inflammation and resolution of inflammation in chickens are also of great interest (i.e. nucleic acid sensing, pro-resolving lipids). The microbiome and macrophage functions in the chicken respiratory mucosa during viral infections are also being investigated.