-2021: CNRS Hors Classe Research Fellow
-2011: Habilitation to Supervise Research, Paris-Descartes University
-2006: 1st class researcher (CR1) CNRS 2004: transfer to section 21
-2002: 2nd class research fellow (CR2) CNRS, section 24
-1998-2002: Associate trainer at ENS Lyon
-1995-1998: Doctorate from the University of Paris XI-Orsay (thesis defended on 01/12/1998)
-1995: DEA in Crystallography and Biological NMR, with highest honors, University of Paris XI Master's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University Claude Bernard - Lyon I
-1994: Aggregation of Biochemistry-Biological Engineering
-1993: Master's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Claude Bernard University - Lyon I
-1992: License in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University Claude Bernard - Lyon I
-1991: Admission to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon
-1989-1991: Preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles, Lycée Hoche, Versailles
-1989: Baccalauréat C, with honors
-2017-present: Cell Biology and Modeling Laboratory, UMR 5239, team of Pierre Jalinot. Study of helicases specific to G-quadruplexes.
-2014-2017: Institute of Biochemistry and Protein Chemistry, UMR 5086, team of Patrice Gouet
-2008-2014: Biological Crystallography and NMR Laboratory (LCRB) CNRS UMR 8015, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Paris Descartes University, Paris. N. Leulliot's team
-2006-2008: Biological Crystallography and NMR Laboratory, team of Arnaud Ducruix.
-2004-2006: Laboratory of Applied Genetic Biotechnology and Pharmacology (UMR 8113, ENS Cachan), team of Anita Lewit-Bentley.
-2002-2004: Laboratory for the Use of Magnetic Radiation (LURE, UMR 130, Orsay), team of Anita Lewit-Bentley.
-1998-2002: Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory (UMR 5239, ENS Lyon), team of. Rock. Jalinot.
-1995-1998: thesis at LURE (Paris XI, Orsay), under the supervision of Anita Lewit-Bentley and at the Cochin Institute of Molecular Genetics (Paris), under the supervision of Françoise Russo-Marie.
-1995 (January-August): Washington University, Saint Louis, USA, team of Gabriel Waksman. (DEA internship)
- 2011-2014: Thesis director of Julien Robert-Paganin "Structural and functional study of the Prp43 helicase involved in cancer". Thesis defended on 02/10/2014
-CNRS research collaboration contract – MED’EL Company: 2023-2025. Scientific leader of the project “Multiscale screening of corticosteroids non genomic effects on water and ions homeostasis for post cochlear implant surgery residual hearing loss and electrode impedance fluctuation prevention.”
-International Research Project (IRP) G-quadruplex-Heli: 2019-2023, French coordinator XG Xi, Partner ENS Lyon (S. Réty)
-International Associated Laboratory (LIA) G-quadruplex-Heli: 2015-2019, French coordinator XG Xi, Collaborator under contract
-FP5-life-quality (EU), VACAT (QLK2-CT-1999-00556): 2000-2003, coordinator Anita Bentley Member of the Anita Lewit-Bentley team
-2016, 2017: ReNaFoBIS thematic school (National training network in structural biology, Oléron) (Crystallography course)
-2011-2015: Intervention in M2 at Paris-Descartes University (Crystallography course)
-2004-2014: Intervention in L3 at ENS Cachan. 2005, 2006: Intervention in professional M2 at the University of Cergy
-2004, 2006: Intervention in the Physico-Chemistry of Life Module at the Master of Chemistry at the University of Paris XI
-1998-2002: Associate-Preparator at ENS Lyon
-1995-1998: Monitor at the University of Paris XI
- 126 peer-reviewed articles for international peer-reviewed journals including Nucleic Acids Research (27), Vaccines (18), IJMS (12), Viruses (5), Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (5)…
- Associate Editor for Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
- Guest editor for Microorganisms
- Expert for the FNRS since 2008
- French Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM)
- French Society of Biophysics (SFB)
- Society of Robespierrist Studies (SER)
Since 2011, I have been studying the three-dimensional structure of helicases, enzymes that can open the secondary structures of nucleic acids. More specifically, I study helicases that can open G-quadruplexes, particularly stable nucleic acid structures that can form blockages or regulatory points during replication, transcription or translation The helicases most particularly studied are Pif1, DHX36, RecQ, Dbp2.
Telomeres, necessary to ensure the conservation of chromosomes during replication, are G-rich repeat sequences where G-quadruplexes can form. I am also studying the telomerase of the Candida albicans yeast, whose structure we have determined.
More recently, we are studying the regulation of permeability of water channel Aquaporins by small ligands and their application in ear disorders.