since 2016: Post doctoral position, Laboratory of immunology and cancer (Head: Pr. Daniel Olive),Cancer Research center of MArseille (CRCM)
2012-2016: Post doctoral position, Laboratory of cellular and molecular Biology (Head: Dr. Lawrence E. Samelson), the National cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda (USA), MD
2011-2012: Post doctoral position, Cancer Vaccine Section’s Lab (Head: Dr. Samir Khleif), the National cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda (USA), MD
2005-2010: Ph.D , Laboratory of Immunology and Cancer (Head: Nunes JA, Cancer Research Center of Marseille (CRCM), Marseille (France)
2003 Bachelor degree (BS) in Biology, University of Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, France
2005 Master (MS) in Cellular Biology (Immunology), University of Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, France
2010 Ph.D in Cellular Biology (Immunology), University of Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, France
We are involved in:
-analyzing cell signaling events in cytotoxic lymphocytes to optimize antitumoral responses,
- dissecting cell signaling events in cancer cells to improve immunotherapy.