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Last update 2018-02-06 12:15:30.219

Marie Goepp PhD Immunology and Inflammation

Course and current status

Education :

- 2012 – 2015 : PhD : Immunology and Inflammation - Université de Strasbourg.

- 2010 – 2012 : Master Degree : Cellular and Molecular Biology - Specialty in Immunology  and Inflammation - Université de Strasbourg.

- 2009 – 2010 : Bachelor Degree : Cellular Biology and Physiology - Université de Strasbourg.

- 2007 - 2009 : DUT , equivalent to Diploma of Higher Education in Technology : Biological Engineering –  Specialty in Environment - Institut Universitaire de Technologies (IUT) Louis Pasteur de  Schiltigheim - Université de Strasbourg (UDS).

- 2006 - 2007 : High School diploma, scientific option, equivalent to A  Levels  with  honours. - Strasbourg

Research Experience

- 2015 – 2017 : Temporary Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Project : ” Modulation of mammary tumor immune response by physical activity  in an obesity situation.”

Teaching : Struturale and Metabolic Biochemistry, Enzymology, Molecular Biology,


Group : Laboratoire de Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire et Nutrition – Unité de Nutrition Humaine,  Equipe ECREIN, Université d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France .

- 2012 – 2015 : PhD student

Project : “Functional analysis of the specificities and redundancies of transcription factors of  the Ikaros family in T lymphocytes“

Group : GBMC CNRS UMR 7104 - Inserm U 964 – Strasbourg,  France.


- 2012 (September - June) : Master 2 student Internship

Project : “Study of the cell heterogeneity in a murine model of T lymphoblastic leukaemia.”

Group : IGBMC CNRS UMR 7104 - Inserm U 964 – Strasbourg, France


- 2011 (January - May) : Master 1 student Internship

Project : “Study of the action of the HPBP protein on the replication of the viral RNA of HIV  virus.”

Group : Université de Strasbourg (UDS) - UPR742  (UDS).


- 2010 (June-August) : Bachelor student  Internship

Project : “Study of RNA / RNA interactions in Influenza viral RNAs.“ »

Group : Université de Strasbourg (UDS) – IBMC UPR  9002


-  2009 (April-August) : Internship in Diploma of Higher Education in Technology

Project : “ Study of the interactions of SH3-domain proteins in S.Cerevisiae yeast .“

Group :  Université de Strasbourg (UDS) - GMGM UMR  7156.


- 2008 (July – August) : Internship in Diploma of Higher Education in Technology

Project : « Morphological study of insertion mutants in A. Thaliana.”

Group :  Université de Strasbourg (UDS) – IBMP  UPR23577


Teachig Experience :

- Bachelor degree (79h/year) : Structural and metabolic biochemistry, Bioactive molecules  in nutrition and health and Metabolic biocatalysis ; in the form of practical work,  tutorials and lectures.


- Medical and health studies (108h/year) :

First year of medical degree (PACES) : Structural biochemistry and molecular biology.
2nd and 3rd years of Pharmacy degree (DFGSP2 & DFGSP3): Structural biochemistry, metabolic biocatalysis and molecular biology ; under the form of practical work, tutorials and lectures.
Technical skills :

- Cell biology : Cell lines/primary cell culture (tumoral T lymphocytes, EcoPhoenix, 3T3, lignée EO771), cell transfection, stable  cell lines establishment, viability and proliferation assays.

 Flow cytometry : 8 colors staining, cellular viability (DAPI, TOPRO), cell proliferation (Iodure de Propidium, CFSE), apoptosis  (IP/Annexin V).

- Instruments : FACS LSRII (BD Biosciences), FACSCalibur (BD Biosciences), FC 500 Cytomics ( Beckman Coulter).

- Virus : P2 laboratory work, EcoPhoenix cell transfection, retroviral infection of murine lymphocytes, stable cell lines  establishment.

- Molecular Biology : Protein, RNA and DNA extractions, Western-Blot, Transcriptom, qPCR, PCR.

- Animal experimentation : Intravenous injection, monitoring of solid tumors and leukemia apparition in mice, dissection,  Ovariectomy, mammary tumor implantation.

Scientific summary

My postdoctoral project was based on the study of immune cell population,
both myeloid and lymphoid, and immune signals in the tumor microenvironment,
in immune organs, as well as in the intestinal track (gut,
Peyer patches and mesenteric lymph nodes). This study was carried out on
an experimental model of old ovariectomized mice, implanted with a
murine mammary adenocarcinoma cell line (EO771). I carried out immune
phenotyping, cytokine and chemokine analysis as well as functional and metabolic analyzes. In parallel, I carried out a characterization of the
mechanisms of response to the oxidative stress of the murine
adenocarcinoma cell line used. My current and past professional
experiences have allowed me to develop knowledge and skills in the field of
immunology, molecular biology and biochemistry, such as multi-color flow
cytometry and cell sorting, murine immune models, cell cultures, and a
wide range of molecular biological or biochemical techniques (DNA
extractions, RNA and protein, transcriptomic analysis, ELISA). This work
has been followed by the production of two review articles and two research
papers which will be published soon, as well as two others, which I am
currently in the process of writing.
In parallel to my research activity, I also worked as a temporary lecturer in
Biochemistry in Biological Sciences Bachelor degree and Medical and health
studies (Medicine and Pharmacy). I taught structural and metabolic
biochemistry, “Bioactive molecules in nutrition and health and Metabolic
biocatalysis under the form of practical work, tutorials and lectures. I also
had many students under my supervision during their internship, from
different Master degree to technical students.

Publications :

Published articles :

 - A. Rossary, L. Delort, M. Goepp, F. Caldefie-Chezert, M-P. Vasson -Overweight and Breast carcinogenesis: Focus on the in situ intercell dialogue . Correspondances en Onco-Théranostic. 2017; VI: 4.

-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S. Rougé, A. Coston, M.-C. Farges, J. Talvas, M.-P. Vasson, Le régime hyperlipidique intensifie la migration des cellules immunitaires dans un modèle murin de carcinogenèse mammaire, Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme., 2017; 31; 3 : 246; - Doi : 10.1016/j.nupar.2017.06.068
- A. Apostolov, I. Litim-Mecheri, A. Oravecz, M. Goepp, P. Kirstetter, P. Marchal, A. Ittel, L. Mauvieux, S. Chan P. Kastner – Sumoylation inhibits the growth suppressive properties of Ikaros - Plos One –  17/06/2016 - DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0157767.

In submission articles :

- M. Goepp , A. Rossary, M.- P. Vasson, Method for synchronizing EO771 cells at a specific phase of the cell cycle., Unpublished manuscript, in submission, University of Pharmacy, Clermont Ferrand, France.
-M. Goepp, S. Rougé, D. Le Guennec, N. Goncalves-Mendes, J. Talvas, M.-C. Farges, M. – P. Vasson, A. Rossary.  High-fat diet induces lymphoid cell migration and T lymphocytes polarization in mouse mammary tumor . Unpublished manuscript, in submission, University of Pharmacy, Clermont Ferrand, France.

Oral presentation

-A. Rossary, M. Goepp, S. Rougé, M.-C. Farges, C. Montaurier, M-P. Vasson – Impact of physical activity on tumor immunity in C57BL/6 mouse syngeneic model of mammary cancer – 4th International Congress of translational Research in Human  Nutrition; Nutrition & Cancer – Clermont-Ferrand – Juin 2017.
-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S.Rougé, M-P. Vasson – Impact du régime obésogène sur la migration des cellules immunitaires dans  un modèle murin de carcinogenèse mammaire – Journée NACRe/Partenariat 2017 – Paris – Mars 2017.
-A. Rossary, M. Goepp, M.-C. Farges, L. Delort, F. Caldefie-Chézet, M-P. Vasson – Obésité et cancer du sein : impact de l’activité physique sur la cancérogenèse mammaire – Forum de la recherche en cancérologie du Canceropole (CLARA) ;  Atelier de travail « Obésité et cancer : de la recherche fondamentale à la clinique » – Lyon – Décembre 2016.
-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S. Rougé A. Coston, M.-C. Farges, J. Talvas, M-P. Vasson – Le régime hyperlipidique intensifie la migration des cellules immunitaires dans un modèle murin de carcinogenèse mammaire – 14ème Journée Francophone de  Nutrition – Montpellier –Décembre 2016.
-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S. Rougé A. Coston, M-C. Farges, N. Goncalves-Mendes, J. Talvas, M-P. Vasson, – Caractérisation de l’infiltrat immunitaire tumoral mammaire chez la souris C57BL/6 obèse – 9ème Journée Scientifique du Centre de  Recherche en Nutrition Humaine d’Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand – Novembre 2016.


-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S. Rougé, M.-C. Farges, J.Talvas, M-P. Vasson –Impact of hyperlipidic diet associated to estrogenic modulation on tumoral lymphoid immune infiltrate in mammary carcinogenesis mouse model. – 4th International Congress of  translational Research in Human Nutrition; Nutrition & Cancer – Clermont-Ferrand – Juin 2017.
-M. Goepp, A. Rossary, S. Rougé, A. Coston, M-C. Farges, N. Goncalves-Mendes, J. Talvas, M- P. Vasson – Impact du régime hyperlipidique sur la migration des cellules immunitaires dans un modèle murin de carcinogenèse mammaire – Forum de la  recherche en cancérologie du Cancéropôle (CLARA) – Lyon – Avril 2017 – Best poster award.
-M. Goepp, J. Talvas, S. Rougé, M-C. Farges, M-P. Vasson, A. Rossary – Impact de l’activite physique et de la modulation œstrogénique en situation d’obésite sur la réponse immunitaire au cours de la carcinogenèse mammaire. – Forum de la  recherche en cancérologie du Cancéropôle (CLARA) – Lyon – Mars 2016.
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