Sébastien A. CHOTEAU PhD student, Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI)

Course and current status

Fascinated by sciences, I became an Agronomist engineer specialized in health and biotechnologies. My decision to focus on molecular and cellular biology was the opportunity to travel in France and abroad, with the aim to acquire new knowledge and skills. My passion for biochemistry, ‘omics’ science, immunology, microbiology  and computational biology, which was only growing up with years, motivated me to join several teams to broaden my skillset. I had the pleasure to be involved in several projects of the Lipid Research Group at the UNSW, which aimed to understand relationships between lipids, miRNAs and cardiovascular diseases. I also had the chance to be part of the Microbe-Omics team from the Infectious Diseases division of Sanofi, where I worked on the characterization of antibiotics-target interactions. These experiences confronted me to the requirements of researcher and engineer’s work, and overall, fed my passion for Life sciences, which led me to start a PhD thesis on 2018, October.

I am currently part of the Turing Centre for Living Systems and I am working under the co-supervision of Christine Brun at the TAGC and Philippe Pierre at the CIML, and my project aims at understanding the biological functions exerted by the upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in the context of dendritic cell (DC) activation.

My involvement in several organisations, such as the Agrocampus Ouest Rock club, taught me other skills, in particular in communication, teaching and team management. Nevertheless, if you don’t success finding me in a laboratory, handling a pipette, or in front of a computer analyzing some data, you will probably find me with horses, being an avid horse rider!

If after this short introduction about my path you want to know more about my experiences and projects, I would like to invite you to look at my website (www.schoteau.com), or better, to contact me, I will be happy to discuss with you.

Waiting for the pleasure to meet you,


Scientific summary

Understanding upstream open reading frames (uORFs) biological functions in dendritic cells activation through computational approaches and experimental biology 

Abstract to come ... Please feel free to contact me if you want more information about my PhD project.

Image d’exemple