2019-2020: CNRS Innovation Valorisation correspondant ISTCT
2019-2020: CNRS Information Communication correspondant ISTCT
Sept. 2018 - ... : CRCN CNRS, Unit ISTCT "Imagerie et Stratégies Thérapeutiques des pathologies Cérébrales et Tumorales" UMR 6030 CNRS - Université de Caen Normandie - CEA, CERVOxy group "Hypoxie, Physiopathologies cérébrovasculaire et tumorale", GIP Cyceron, Caen.
2017-July 2018: CNRS Information Communication correspondant UMR3525 and UMR3738, Institut Pasteur
2014-2017: CNRS Information Communication correspondant UMR3525, Institut Pasteur
2017-August 2018: CNRS CRCN, UMR3738, Dr. Miria Ricchetti group (Stability of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA), associated to Unit Stem Cell & Development, Department of Developmental biology & Stem cell, Institut Pasteur
2016-2019: CNRS Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR)
2015-2016: CNRS CR1, UMR3525, Dr. Miria Ricchetti group (Stability of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA), Department of Genomes and Genetic, Institut Pasteur
2011-2015: CNRS CR2, UMR3525, Dr. Miria Ricchetti group (Stability of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA), Department of Genomes and Genetic, Institut Pasteur
2007-2011: Post-doctoral position at Dr. Miria Ricchetti group, Institut Pasteur. Department of Immunology then Department of Genomes and Geneteic CNRS URA2171 (Prof. Bernard Dujon) then UMR3525 (Dr. Alain Jacquier). PTR funding (2007-2008), Bourse Roux (2009-2010), Mécénat Mr. François René Lacoste (2011).
2006-2007: Post-doctoral position at Prof. Federica Brandizzi lab., NSERC, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
2002-2005: PhD Thesis " SNAREs studies of machinery transport at ER-GOLGI interface in superior plants" - University Victor Ségalen Bordeaux II - CNRS UMR5200 - Collaboration with Oxford Brookes University (Lab. of Prof. Chris Hawes), Oxford, UK. Alliance Egide contract.
My research is focused on mitochondria, metabolism and stress including the reactive species interactome in brain. More precisely, I am focusing on mitochondrial pathways through proteases and oxygen sensors alterations in various diseases. With my expertises, i have many collaborations and since several years, i'm participating to Grand public events Grand public to open science to non scientific people. Including with Pint Of Science, La Science se livre, Savante Banlieue and on Twitter (LaBioaulabo, EnDirectduLabo).