Since February 2024: Leader of the team "Environmental epidemiology applied to the development and the respiratory health"
April 2020 - February 2024: Co-leader of the team "Environmental epidemiology applied to the development and the respiratory health" with R. Slama.
Since Dec 2019: Senior Researcher (Directrice de Recherche) at Inserm U 1209, Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), GRENOBLE (P. Hainaut)
2006 Research Scientist (Chargée de Recherche) at Inserm U 1209, Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), GRENOBLE (P. Hainaut)
2005 INSERM U578 (became Inserm/UJF U823 and U1209), GRENOBLE (C. Brambilla). Post-doctoral position in respiratory epidemiology
2004 Arizona Respiratory Center, TUCSON, Arizona. Post-doctoral position in genetic epidemiology, mentor : Pr F. Martinez
2002-3 INSERM U472 (became U1018), « Pneumology and immuno-allergology» team, VILLEJUIF (T Moreau) et CHU de GRENOBLE, Département de Médecine Aiguë Spécialisée, GRENOBLE (C.Brambilla). Respiratory epidemiologist
1999 Occupational Hygiene Program, VANCOUVER (Canada). 6 months. Statistician, epidemiologist
1998 IPROS (Institute for prevention and research in osteoporosis), CHR ORLEANS. 1 year. Statistician, epidemiologist
1997 INSERM U169 (became U472 and U780 and U1018), « Pneumology and immuno-allergology» team, VILLEJUIF (J Lellouch). 6 months. Epidemiologist
Completion Date |
Univ Paris V |
B.S |
1996 |
Statistics and Informatics |
Univ Paris XI |
M.Sc |
1997 |
Public Health, Epidemiology |
Univ Paris XI |
Ph.D |
2003 |
Respiratory Epidemioogy |
Univ Joseph Fourier, Grenoble |
2013 |
Respiratory Epidemiology |
My research focuses on respiratory epidemiology, and more specifically on asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children, and 10% of the French population suffers from asthma. Asthma is associated with an impaired quality of life and leads to considerable social and economic costs. My research is aimed to better understand asthma and to identify the environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors associated with its development. It lies in the collection of several layers of high-resolution data (exposome, genome, epigenome) in well-characterized cohorts allowing a life-course approach.