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  • Location : Paris, France

Version françaiseEléonore Michel

Last update 2018-09-05 16:23:26.486

Eléonore Michel PhD in biomaterial engineering

Course and current status

As an Engineer holding a PhD in biomaterials, speaking fluently English, I'm looking for new challenges in any human-related field where my expertise can be be an asset. I have an international, multicultural and interdisciplinary experience that allows me to be flexible and easily adaptable to new environment. Being of a dynamic and curious nature, I managed different scientific projects as well as social and cultural ones.

I'll be happy to hear from you.

Scientific summary


- Scientific: Biomaterials, medical devices, organic chemistry, surface modification, mechanical.

- Projects management: design, planning, validation.

- Technical: XPS, FTIR, SEM, AFM, SEC, TGA, DSC, cell culture.

- High analytical and writing skills

- Internal/external communication: multidisciplinary popularization, fluent English (TOEIC = 825/990),

- Applications: Pack Office, OMNIC, ASTRA, GRAMS, Multipack, GIMP, Illustrator

Professional background


LVTS, Inserm U1148 (France) – LBB, Laval University (Canada)             

PhD student in biomaterials, dual-degree PhD

- Development and validation of coatings for natural polymers (dextran) based medical devices.

- Synthetization and characterization of dextran derivatives and natural-synthetic copolymers.

- Surface modification testing: plasma coating and functionalization of stainless steel, molecule grafting.

- Study of cell-biomaterial interaction.

- Projects presentation, in English, for worldwide symposiums (8 presentations).

- Management and supervision of 6 trainees projects (undergraduate to PhD).

- Planning and animation of team meetings.

- Schedule development and monitoring (Gantt diagram).

- Protocols, reports and argumentation writing (5 publications).


LVTS, Inserm U1148 (France) – LBB, Laval University (Canada)                                                                         

Research Development Engineer

- Development of polysaccharide based coatings for cardiovascular implants (stent).

- Project elaboration according to the state of the art


LVTS, Inserm U1148 (France)

Research Engineer

- Development of hydrogel matrix, injectable for tissue engineering. The product led to a start-up creation.

- Elaboration and experimentation of fabrication protocols.


Société d’Expérimentation de Génie et de Contrôle (Reunion island, France)

Technician within laboratory of quality control and safety for the construction industry

- Application of ISO standards on concrete samples and floor measurement on construction sites, in situ and in lab.

- Test reporting to clients.


Extra-professional activities


Conference organization et volunteer training

- Organization of 3 international symposiums (1.300-4.000 attendees): content decision, management of attendee registration, coordination of presentations and rooms, organization of parallel activities, determination and optimization of locations.

- Staffing and training of 180 volunteers, planning organization


Organization of social and cultural events

- Creation and animation of a workshop on the discovery of biomaterials. Excellent feedback from teachers and students.

- Organization of a job fair: contact search and welcoming of speakers.

- Organization manager in the student office.

Materials and Metallurgy Engineering, Laval University (Canada)

Doctorate, Sciences of the Engineer Biological and Medical Engineering, University Paris 13







Ph.D., Materials and Metallurgy Engineering, Laval University (Canada)

Doctorate, Biological and Medical Engineering, University Paris 13

Material Engineer, Sup’Galilée (France)

Preparatory class in physics-Chemistry (Reunion island, Paris)



Travels, horse riding, manual activities, enigmas, homework support

Image d’exemple