Jean-Sébastien Annicotte
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  • Phone : 0320877215
  • Location : Lille, France
Last update 2025-02-14 11:24:53.528

Jean-Sébastien Annicotte PhD in molecular and cellular biology

Course and current status

ANNICOTTE Jean-Sébastien, Born December 15, 1975 



2023 – Director of Research INSERM (Tenure), France

2024-  Leader of the INSERM team 2 "Molecular and cellular pathophysiology of cardiometabolic diseases" at French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) UMR1167 - RID-AGE, Lille University, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France

2022-2025 FRM team, INSERM UMR1167 - RID-AGE, Lille University, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France                     


2007-  Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), Montpellier University, France (Academic degree required for being accredited as head of research in France)

2000-2004     PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University Louis Pasteur, IGBMC, Strasbourg, France - PhD Supervisor: Pr. Johan Auwerx 

1999 MSc Biology and Health, Lille 1 University, Lille, France 

1996-1999 BSc Biochemistry, Lille 1 University, Lille, France 


2012- 2022 Team#2 leader INSERM UMR1283 -EGID, INSERM Researcher, Lille University, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France

2011 – 2012 INSERM Researcher, Chargé de Recherche, Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier, CNRS UMR5535, Montpellier, France; Director: Dr M. Piechaczyk

2005 – 2011 INSERM Researcher, Chargé de Recherche, Institute of Research Cancer of Montpellier, INSERM U896, Montpellier, France; Director: Dr A. Pélegrin

2004 – 2005 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Avenir Team "Metabolism & Cancer", INSERM U540, Montpellier, France; Team leader: Dr L. Fajas, Director: Drs F. Vignon and J.C. Nicolas 

2000 – 2004 PhD in Molecular and cellular biology, IGBMC, Strasbourg, France; Director: Pr. Pierre Chambon, Team leader: Pr. Johan Auwerx


2023-2027 Research Grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR PRC, PI)

2022-2024 Research Grant from the French Society for Diabetes (PI)

2022-2025 Laureate of the FRM team award (PI)

2020-2024 Research Grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR PRC, partner)

2020-2023 Laureate of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Programme for Early-stage researchers in Lille (PhD program, PEARL, PI)

2020-2022 Research Grant CPER-CTRL from the Institut Pasteur de Lille (PI)

2019-2021 Research Grant “StartAIRR” from the Hauts-de-France Council/I-SITE ULNE (PI)

2018-2022 Research Grant “Sustain” from the I-SITE ULNE (PI)

2018-2020 Research Grant from the French Society for Diabetes (PI)

2018-2021 Research Grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR PRC, PI)

2017-2021 Research Fellowships to Support Patenting Process (SATT Nord, PI)

2016-2017 Research Grant from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (PI)

2012-2015 Research Grant from Diabetes Research Association (PI)

2010 Excellence Research Award (INSERM)

2007 French National Diabetes Research Program, INSERM (PI) 

2005 INSERM Chargé de Recherche 2ndclass (ranked 1st)

2005 Young Researcher fellowship from INSERM

2005 Diabetes AREDIC Award


Evaluation committee

2025-     Elected member of the Research Council of the Health and sport science     Faculty (UFR3S) and Intitative of excellence (I-Site) of University of Lille

2023              Expert for HCERES (French research team evaluation)

2019- 2021    Vice-President of the ANR evaluation panel Physiology/Physiopathology 


2018- 2021    Elected member of the Research/Academic Council of the University of Lille

2016-             Graduate Student Advisor, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

2014-             Jury Member of the PhD Program Selection, Lille, France 

2006-             PhD Thesis and HDR Reviewer and Jury Member (7 HDR & 17 PhD defense)

Grant peer reviewer for:

                        Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), ANSES, Research Executive Agency of the European Council (EIC, H2020), Harvard Medical School (BADERC Grant)

Journal peer reviewer for:

                        Cell Reports, Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Diabetologia, EMBO Molecular Medicine, EMBO Reports, Plos Biology, Gut, Journal of Cellular Biology, Nat Comm, Science Advances…


                        French Society for Diabetes, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, French Purine Club 

Scientific summary

Cardiometabolic diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries with serious impact in the quality and duration of life. They encompass several interconnected diseases that develop following metabolic dyshomeostasis, including heart failure (HF), obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Tackling cardiometabolic diseases thus represents one of the major health, medical, scientific, social and economic challenges in all developed countries where life expectancy has increased steadily over the past century. Since disease progression is due to the disruption of the homeostatic crosstalk of multiple organs, including heart, adipose tissue and pancreatic β-cells, and the strong correlation between T2D and risk of HF, unravelling the factors influencing HF during T2D and vice versa is now required to better understand cardiometabolic diseases. The complete elucidation of the role of environmental factors in the onset, development and evolution of cardiometabolic diseases (e.g. T2D, obesity and HF), remains key scientific and medical challenges.

Gathering long-standing expertise in cardiovascular and T2D research, the CardioDiab team combines its basic research approaches (epigenomics, epitranscriptomics, proteomics) to (patho)physiology integrated research using both its large population cohort biobanks and state-of-the-art cellular and animal models to better characterize intra-organ dysfunctions and inter-organ communications to identify new pathways involved in cardiometabolic diseases such as T2D and T2D-associated HF, to envision their druggability and to translate these findings to human. 

Our research program aims to go beyond the current state-of-the-art by decoding the role of molecular determinants in cardiometabolic disease and metabolic adaptation. We are currently developing an innovative framework to uncover the physiological and pathophysiological roles of these factors in the regulation of cellular responses during HF, diabetes and obesity development. Our hypotheses are tested combining unbiased next-generation sequencing technology (scRNA-seq, snATAC-seq, m6A-seq, ribo-seq, O-Link based proteomic screening), pharmacological approaches, mouse models, Crispr/Cas9, hIPSC, human tissue samples and cohorts to dissect the regulated processes involved in the control of metabolic homeostasis and cellular plasticity. Thereby, we hope to identify novel targets, open new research fields and emerging concepts for the prevention and treatment of T2D, obesity and HF. 

Scientific achievements

  • Generated a mouse model for the conditional inactivation of the orphan nuclear receptor Lrh-1using the Cre/LoxP technology
  • Designed molecular biology tools and established protocols to study LRH-1 cellular functions 
  • Elucidated key regulatory pathways controlled by LRH-1 in cellular models and in vivo
  • Implemented metabolic phenotyping experiments to study energy homeostasis in mice
  • Established pancreatic islet isolation protocols and b-cell physiology experiments 
  • Discovered the transcription factor E2F1 as a key regulator of pancreatic b-cell proliferation and function
  • Developed mouse models for the conditional inactivation and over-expression of the E2f1gene using the Cre/LoxP technology
  • Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of E2F1 and other cell cycle regulators in the control of muscle, liver and adipose tissue functions, in physiology and disease (T2D, obesity, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
  • Developed high-throughput approaches for a better understanding of b-cell physiology (ChIP-seq, RNA-seq) and established Seahorse XFe24 and Pamgene technologies (for mitochondria and kinome analysis, respectively) 
  • Implemented lineage-tracing experiments using the Lox-STOP-Lox-TOMATO mouse model
  • Provided evidence of the epigenetic role of KAT2B in the control of insulin secretion and b-cell function during metabolic stress
  • Demonstrated the crucial role of the Cdkn2a tumor-suppressor gene in adipose tissue browning process
  • Designed new targeted strategies for treating T2D with insulin-secretion stimulating small molecules (on-going patent)
  • Set-up an automated high-throughput strategy of insulin secretion to identify new potential regulators of beta-cell function and proliferation (chemical/siRNA libraries)
  • Study the epitranscriptome code as a new layer of regulation of beta-cell function

Research Record 

Scientific production: 71 publications (57 original articles and 14 review articles), 1 patent pending and 3 invention disclosures

Sum of times cited without self-citations (according to ISI Web of Science, January 2025): 3648

h-index: 32

Image d’exemple