1987: MD Université Paris Diderot.
1990: PhD Biochemistry, Université Paris Diderot.
2002-: Research Director (INSERM, Except. Class since 2013), Principal Investigator, team “receptor signaling and molecular scaffolds”, Institut Cochin, Paris
2019-: INSERM scientific referent at the Université de Paris
1979-1986: Resident of Paris Hospitals (Internal Medicine, Hematology)
1987-1995: Associate Physician, Department of Immuno-Hematology St. Louis Hospital, Paris
1986-1990: Research Fellow, then Senior Scientist (1988), Laboratory of "Molecular Biology of Receptors", Institut Pasteur, Paris
1990-1995: Senior Scientist and Research Director (1992), Laboratory of Molecular Immuno-pharmacology, Institut Cochin de Génétique Moléculaire (ICGM), Paris
1995-1997: Visiting Scientist, Biochemistry Department, Regis Kelly Laboratory, University of California San Francisco, USA
1998-2001: Principal Investigator, CNRS Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology of Membrane Receptors, ICGM, Paris
2002-2008: Co-chair Department of Cell Biology, Institut Cochin, Paris
2005-2012: Associate Professor, Université Paris Descartes
2008-2012: Vice-Director of the PhD Program (B3MI), Universités Paris Diderot and Paris Descartes
2012-2019: Vice-President for Research, Université Paris Descartes
1984 Fellowship, ”Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur”
1987 Research fellowship, “Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale” (FRM)
1995 Research fellowship, NATO (visiting scientist)
1996 Research fellowship, FRM (visiting scientist)
1998-2001 New-Team Starting Grants: FRM and the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC)
2012-2015 “FRM-team” award
ORCID: 0000-0001-9604-9973
80 original articles in international journals, including: Blood, Cell, EMBO J, J Clin Invest, Mol Cell, Nat Biotechnol, Nat Commun, Nat Immunol, Nat Med, Nat Methods, Mol Psychiatry, PNAS, Science.
31 review/opinion articles, 11 book chapters, (>10.300 citations, HF: 53, Google Scholar; >7.100 citations HF: 44, ISI-WOS)
Emorine et al, Science 245: 1118 (1989)
Marullo S et al, Nat. Biotechnol. 7: 923-927 (1989)
Magnusson Y et al, J Clin Invest, 86: 158 (1990)
Loisel TP et al, Nat Biotechnol, 15:1300 (1997)
Perretti M et al, Nat Med, 8: 1296 (2002)
Bourougaa K et al, Mol Cell, 38:78 (2010)
Coureuil M et al, Cell, 143:1149 (2010)
Bernard S et al. Nat Med, 20:725–731 (2014)
Lima-Fernandes E et al. Nat Commun, 5:4431 (2014)
Doly S et al., Mol. Psychiatry 21:480-490 (2016)
Maïssa N. et al. Nat Commun, 8:15764 (2017)
Virion Z. et al. Nat Commun, 10:4752 (2019).
1988: US 88. 03475; accepted US 5.242.822 (1993), UE 89 400 768.1.(1994) ; licensed 1989
1989: 89.00918 accepted UE 04.55.682 (1993), US 5.288.607 (1994), JPN 3050238 (2000); licensed, 1996, 2000.
1994: 94.04861
1997: 97.04476; extension UE JPN (100-999); accepted US 6.713.278; licensed 2002, 2009
2001: US 10/38.010, licensed, 2001.
2011: UE 10306215.4
Participation in permanent evaluation committees
1995-1998 Member of the INSERM Study-Section Endocrinology/Reproduction
1997-2001 Member of the Scientific Council of “CHU Cochin-Port Royal”, University Paris Descartes.
2004-2008 Member of the Scientific Board of the Ville de Paris
2000-: Member of the Scientific Board of the "INSERM Workshops"
2009-2019 Member of the Scientific Board of the Ligue Contre le Cancer, comité de l’Oise
2014-2020 Member of the Research Council, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Am J Physiol, BBRC, Biochemistry, Blood, Cardiovasc Res, Cell, Cells, EMBO, EMBO Rep, FEBS letters, IJMS, J Biol Chem, J Cell Sci, MolPharmacol, Nature, Nat Med, Nat Methods, Neurochem, PlosPathogens, PNAS, Sci Reports, Traffic, Trends Mol Med, Trends Pharmacol Sci.
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), FRQS, FCI, Génome Québec, McGill University, Toronto University (Canada), MRC, Wellcome Trust Fund, BSSRC (UK), NHMRC, Raine Foundation (Australia), Swiss National Science Foundation, Geneva University (Suisse), Human Frontieres (Intl.), Ministère de la Recherche, Ville de Paris, ANR, AERES/HCERES (France).
2020- Editorial Board Member, Section Board for 'Molecular Pharmacology', International Journal of Molecular Science.
2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR)
2010, Ligue contre le Cancer
2013, Equipe FRM
2014, Institut National du Cancer (INCA)
2018, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose
2021, Pre-maturation Grant, Idex, Université de Paris
G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest family of membrane receptors, are implicated in a wide range of human diseases. Signal outputs resulting from their activation depend on their subcellular location and their local interacting partners, among which beta-arrestins (barrs) play a major role. Our project focuses on emerging paradigms of regulated GPGR and barr subcellular trafficking, from mechanistic molecular aspects to physiology and pathology.
The principal specific aims of our project are (Project Leaders):
-Deciphering cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in regulated GPCR export to the cell surface; pathophysiological implications (S Marullo)
-Investigating molecular basis of the interaction between pathogens and receptors for cell adhesion and signaling (S Marullo)
-Exploring mechanisms and functions of the nuclear trafficking of the regulatory scaffolding proteins barrs (H Enslen, M Scott)
-Deciphering new GPCR/barr-dependent mechanisms that regulate cell adhesion (H Enslen)
-Studying GPCR/barr-dependent mechanisms that regulate the anti-oncogenic PTEN phosphatase functions (M Scott)