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  • Location : Montpellier, France
Last update 2018-10-23 15:01:17.002

Jing Wang Jing Wang PhD, MD Hearing Disorders and Rescue, HDR Life Sciences

Course and current status

Group Leader of "Auditory disorders and rescue” within the Team 02 "Deafness, tinnitus and therapies" directed by Pr Jean-Luc Puel at the Institute of Neurosciences of Montpellier.

Scientific summary

Sensorineural hearing loss is one of the most common human sensory deficits. Here, we aim to understand signaling pathways underlying the degeneration of cochlear neuro-epithelium in acquired (e.g. noise-, ototoxic drug-induced), age-related and monogenetic hearing loss using disease-specific model systems. To do so, we are using molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry together with electrophysiology and morphology. Our final goal is to restore hearing. Our studies have demonstrated that administration of pharmacological compounds can prevent sensory hair-cell death and restore auditory function in animal models of noise-induced hearing loss. Clinical trials of these results have been developed with pharmaceutical companies.

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