Anselme Perrier
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33 1 6990 85 23
  • Location : Evry, France
Last update 2011-03-31 13:58:42.448

Anselme Perrier Ph.D Molecular and Cellular Neuropharmacology

Course and current status

My education in cellular and molecular neurobiology and my training in scientific research formally started in 1994 after I was selected for training at the “Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (special 4 years fellowship - civil servant status).

I graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Bachelor & master’s degrees) in 1998 and defended my PhD thesis in 2001 at the University Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris. I did my pre-doctoral and doctoral research work in Dr Jean Massoulié’s laboratory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. During my PhD, I investigated the molecular basis of the membrane localization of acetylcholinesterase in mammalian brain.

For my first post-doc I joined the field of human embryonic stem cell research in the USA, at a time when this type of research was not permitted by the law in France joining Lorenz Studer’s lab at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New-York. During this post-doc, I worked briefly on mouse ES and later, I worked exclusively with human embryonic stem cell on the specification of neural precursor cells derived from human ES cells into ventral mesencephalic progenitor.

In 2004, I joined Dr Marc Peschanski who was at that time “waiting” for the publication of the new French bioethics law to start a new laboratory (I-STEM) dedicated to the exploration of the potential of human embryonic stem cells to study and cure monogenic diseases. I was the first post-doc recruited by Marc Peschanski (thanks to an AFM fellowship) and thus helped him build from scratch this new lab and trained all scientists recruited at I-STEM over the next few years (>20 people between 2005-2007). In parallel, I started a research project aimed at assessing the potential of hESC derived striatal culture for Huntington’s disease cell therapy. To conduct this project the lab was granted by French regulatory agency the very first authorization to work with human embryonic stem under the new (2004) french bioethics law.

In early 2005, I was recruited by the “Institut national de la santé et de la recherche medicale” (Inserm) as a “chargé de recherche” with civil servant status. The same year, Dr Marc Peschanski formerly found I-STEM, a research institute dedicated to human stem cells and monogenic disease. Consequently, Dr Marc Peschanski asked me to lead the research team dedicated to neurodegenerative disorders and in particular Huntington’s disease. Since then I have developed the neurodegenerative disease team that now includes two post-docs, three PhD student, one engineer and two research assistants. The main objectives of the “neurodegenerative diseases group” are at present: (1) Human pluripotent stem cell based substitutive cell Therapy of Huntington’s disease (HD) (2) HD pathological modelling and drug discovery using neural progenies of human pluripotent stem cells (HD or WT).

Scientific summary

Anselme Louis PERRIER, Nationality: French


Actual position:   Principal Investigator of the Neurodegenerative group, INSERM/UEVE/UMR 861, I-Stem, AFM - Institut of Stem Cell therapy and exploration of monogenic diseases. Evry, FRANCE.


Official status :           « Chargé de Recherche » (CR1)  Inserm (research manager with civil servant status).



1998-2002                 PhD in Molecular and Cellular Neuropharmacology                                                                        University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6).     

1997-1998                  DEA (pre-doctoral study) of Molecular and Cellular Neuropharmacology.

                                   Supervisor Dr J. Massoulié.

1996-1997                  Military service in the French air force (Fusilier Commando de l’Air).

1994-1996                  Student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Civil Servant status).

                                   Master's degree in molecular and cellular biology.

                                    Bachelor's degree in molecular and cellular biology.


Laboratory experience:

2006-present                Principal Investigator: (Neurodegenerative group of I-Stem) Human pluripotent stem cells for cell therapy and exploration of molecular mechanisms in Huntington’s disease. INSERM/UEVE/UMR 861, I-Stem AFM

2004- 2005                  Postdoc: Human ES based cell therapy of Huntington Disease – Advisor: Dr M. Peschanski.  Inserm U421: Lab of Stem Cell therapy and exploration of monogenic diseases. BP118 91004 Evry Cedex FRANCE

2002- 2004                 Postdoc: Derivation of midbrain dopamine neurons from human embryonic                                               stem cells – Advisor: Dr L Studer. Stem Cell and Tumor Biology Lab,  Memorial                                       Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Neurosurgery. New York, NY  USA.

1998-2002                 PhD: Acetylcholinesterase anchoring in neuronal membranes.

                                   Laboratoire de Neurobiologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France -                                        Dr J. Massoulié.

1997-1998                  DEA: Search of acetylcholinesterase partners by phage display.

                                   Laboratoire de Neurobiologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France -                                        Dr J. Massoulié & Dr E. Krejci.


Teaching experience:


1999-2001                   Teaching assistant in cell biology and molecular biology for undergraduate students. University Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris, France.


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