• E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33 4 26 23 59 20
  • Location : Lyon, France
Last update 2024-06-14 10:55:38.083


Course and current status

From 1997: Permanent position at INRAe institut, Department of Human Nutrition, presently Director of Research

2017-2021: President of the French Society for Extracellular vesicles (

2020-2021: Co-Chair of ISEV international meeting

2021-2022: Co-chairs of ISEV international meeting

2021-2024: Co-PI Zenith project: Zebrafish for exploring Exosome-like nanovesicles. Therapeutic potential, funded by ANR

2022-2025: PI MEXID project:  Muscle release Extracellular vesicles in the context of Insulin-resistance associated with Diabetes, funded by ANR (

Scientific summary


-from 2022: Director of research at INRAe, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Lyon, CareMeN laboratory (extracellular vesicles and metabolic diseases)

-2020-2021: Director of Research at IGFL ENS Lyon-France as visiting scientist to learn the zebrafish model

-2015-2020: Director of research, head of the EVs/miRNAs group at CarMeN Laboratory Lyon-France (Director Hubert Vidal)

-2001-2015: Senior scientist at CarMeN Laboratory, Lyon-France (Director Hubert Vidal)

-1998-2001: Junior Scientist at INRA institute, Paris-France (Director Daniel Tomé)

-1997-1998: Post-Doc at the Institute of Molecular Biology of Singapore (P. Lobie' group)

-1996-1997: Post-Doc at the University of Western Australia, Perth (J. Howieson' group)

-1993-1996: PhD Student in molecular biology, microbiology and bioinformatics (



-1991: Master level 1: Molecular biology/immunology/cell biology/biochemistry (Lyon 1 University)

-1992: Master level 2 (University lyon 1): Microbial Ecology/Bioinformatics/phylogeny (Lyon1 University)

-1993-1996 (Lyon 1 University and INRA from Montpellier): PhD, molecular biology, microbiology and bioinformatics, soil biology, plant sciences (Mention very honorable with congratulation of the jury)

-2004: University diploma in industrial valorisation in biologie and medicine (Paris 6 University)

-2008: team management (training from INRAE institut)

-Since 2010: University diploma for animal experimentation level 1 (Lyon 1 University, mice and zebrafish)

-2020: Scaning Electron microscopy and transmission Electron microscopy (Lyon 1 University)


Molecular Biology, Genomic (transcriptomic, proteomic, microRNA, sequencing....), Microbiology, Bioinformatic, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, microparticles, cell biology, muscle physiology, diabetes, obesity

Image d’exemple