Mohamed Elati PhD in computer science, Specialty: Bioinformatics/Machine Learning

Course and current status

2024: Head of the emerging DISCO team (Digital systems and computational cancer) at UMR9020 CNRS - UMR-1277 Inserm. Director Isabelle Van Seuningen

2018-present: Full Professor at Univ. of Lille. Co-founder of Master 2 in Digital health (Sept. 2024).

2016-2018: Delegation welcome CNRS, UMR CNRS 8030; Génomique Métabolique

2015-2018: Head of the I3-BioNet team (Inference, Interrogation and genomic Implementation of Biochemical Networks).  UMR CNRS 8030. Director Marcel Salanoubat

2008-2016: Associate Professor, Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne. Co-founder and co-head (2011-16) of Master 2 in Systems and synthetic Biology.

Scientific summary

Mohamed Elati is currently Professor of computer science at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lille and the head of an emerging team "Digital systems and computational cancer (DISCO) " at Canther laboratory directed by Dr. I Van Seuningen.  He has worked for 20 years at the boundary of two disciplines: machine learning and systems biology. He has developed and will use various approaches to foster creative relationships between researchers originating from various disciplines, through both research and teaching sessions. M. Elati is the coordinator of the INSERM-ITMO LIONs project (2015-2019) providing an appropriate background for cancer systems biology; the ANR coordinator of the EU Chist-ERA AdaLab project (2014-2018) initiating the closed-loop automation of yeast systems biology and co-PI of three INCA-PLBIO grants (Bladder:  2012-15; Glioblastoma: 2019-21 and Lung cancer: 2021-25).

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