Sébastien Jauliac
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  • Phone : +33 1 57 27 68 46
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2011-03-24 17:41:32.246

Sébastien Jauliac PhD

Course and current status

Sébastien Jauliac received a M2 degree from Pasteur Institute, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France in 1996 and a PhD from University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France in 1999. He conducted his post-doctoral research in the laboratory of Prof. Alex Toker  in the Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US. His first faculty appointment was as INSERM Avenir Scientist at IUH, Paris, France in 2004, where he was promoted to Principal Investigator (CR1 INSERM) in 2006.

Scientific summary


NFAT isotypes cellular distribution

We have shown that NFAT transcription factors are expressed and active ind are differentially expressed in breast carcinoma.
We found that RNA of every gene -but NFAT3- are similarly detected independently of the cells' ERalpha (ERA) status. Remarkably, NFAT3 expression at the RNA as well as at the protein level is restricted to ERA+ cells, whereas neither NFAT1 nor NFAT2 proteins are detected in ERA+ cells ; NFAT1 protein is present only in ERA- cells, NFAT2 protein is absent in the ERA- cells, and NFAT5 is found in both type of cells. 

Differential regulation of cellular motility by NFAT isotypes

We identifIied that some of members of the NFAT isotypes, NFAT1 and NFAT5, have pro migratory and pro invasive capabilities compared to other members, like NFAT3, that is found in less aggressive ERA+ breast cancer and has anti migratory and anti invasive actions by inhibiting the LCN2 gene transcription in cooperation with other genes targeted by ERA yet to be identified.

Work in progress

We currently work on both the identification of the mechanisms of NFAT transcription factors activation and the identification of their downstream genes required to increase or blunt the cellular motility. The goals of these studies are to be able to provide new therapeutic targets to prevent or cure breast cancer metastases
Image d’exemple