Olivia Lenoir
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 01 53 98 80 19
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2019-10-23 15:31:06.177

Olivia Lenoir PhD, Inserm researcher CRCN

Course and current status

After a PhD training in Necker faculty (Paris) and a post-doc at the PARis-Cardiovascular research Centre (PARCC) of the Georges Pompidou Hospital (HEGP) in Paris , I have been recruited by Inserm in 2017. I now coordinates a group in Team "Kidney and vascular signaling: from developement to disease" in the PARCC, dedicated to the study of signaling switchs in glomeruli in chronic kidney diseases.


  • 2007-2011 PhD in Physiology and Reproduction - Denis Diderot University, Paris
  • 2005-2007 Master and Magistère of Genetics - Denis Diderot University, Paris
  • 2004-2005 BS and Magistère of Genetics - Denis Diderot University, Paris



  • 2017- current: Permanent researcher CRCN Inserm

INSERM U970-PARCC-HEGP, Paris, France. “Signaling drifts in glomerular cells during diabetic nephropathy development”.

  • 2011- 2017: Post-doctoral internship 

INSERM U970-PARCC-HEGP, Paris, France. “Signaling drifts in glomerular cells during diabetic nephropathy development”.

  • 2007-2011: Master 2 and PhD student 

INSERM U845, Growth and Signaling Research Center, Necker Faculty, Paris, France. “Role of histone deacetylases (HDACs) during pancreas development”.

  • 2006: Master 1 internship 

Department of Genetics, Cambridge University, United Kingdom. “Study of the germband extension during Drosophila development”.

Scientific summary

Research in our laboratory “Kidney and vascular signalling: from development to disease” (Team leaders Drs P-L Tharaux and E Camerer) is centered on the analysis of mouse and human vascular and renal pathophysiology, with a particular emphasis on intercellular communications and signaling pathways. 

Within the team, my group focus on the identification of signaling switchs in renal complications of diabetes and hypertension with particular interest on autophagy function and regulation cells of the glomerular filtration barrier.

Image d’exemple