Hervé Perdry
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33145595368
  • Location : Villejuif, France
Last update 2020-01-30 11:57:12.524

Hervé Perdry PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Course and current status

Associate professor (Maître de conférences) at Université Paris-Saclay and Inserm CESP U1018. High Dimensional Biostatistics for Drug Safety and Genomics, Villejuif, France.

Past positions

  • 2015-19 Inserm U669, Genomic statistics
  • 2010-14 Inserm U669, Integrative genetic epidemiology and multifactorial human diseases
  • 2008-09 Inserm U535, Genetic epidemiology and population structure


  • 2001 PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics (Aspects constructifs de la théorie des corps valués henséliens). Supervisor: Henri Lombard
  • 1997 Agrégation de mathématiques
  • 1997 DÉA et Magistère de mathématiiques (ENS Lyon)


Scientific summary

I started my carrer as a pure mathematician, with a specialisation in constructive algebra (math PhD, 2001). I turned to genetic epidemiology in 2006, and I became an associate professor in 2008.

I’m mostly interested in developing methods and sofware for genetic epidemiology, with a focus on heritability, mixed models, population structure and rare variants association tests.

My main collaborations are with Philippe Broët, Anthony Herzig, Anne-Louise Leutenegger, Emmanuelle Génin. I supervised / am supervising the PhD theses of Claire Dandine-Roulland, Jacqueline Milet, Ozvan Bocher.

I am the main developer of the R package Gaston for manipulation of genome-wide data.

Image d’exemple