Danièle Noël
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  • Phone : +33 4 67 33 04 73
  • Location : Montpellier, France
Last update 2020-02-11 15:50:51.672

Danièle Noël Biology of mesenchymal stromal cells and cartilage therapies

Course and current status

Danièle Noël is currently a Research Director/Professor at Inserm in the Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapies (IRMB) in Montpellier. She received her PhD in Health Biology from Bordeaux University in 1992. She did a post-doc at the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Montpellier in the field of recombinant retrovirology and gene therapy (1992-1999). She then moved to the Inserm Institute in Montpellier to work on cell therapy. She is currently leading the group “Mesenchymal stem cell biology and cartilage therapies” including 13 staff members. Her main research interests are the biology of mesenchymal stem cells and regenerative medicine for autoimmune and osteo-articular diseases. A particular focus is on understanding the mechanism of action of mesenchymal stem cells and the role of extracellular vesicles together on developing innovative approaches for cartilage engineering and therapies. She has authored more than 160 publications (H index: 57; citations: 12850; Google scholar 02/2020).

Scientific summary

The objectives of the group are divided in 2 main axes.

1. Organoids to understand OA pathogenesis and develop 3D bioprinting–based cartilage engineering

Two main applications are envisaged: Articular cartilage and Intervertebral disc (IVD) cartilage. Joint organoids will be developed using new-generation biomaterials that will be tailored to deliver drugs, biologics, proteins and cells, in collaboration with chemists and biomecanicians. 3D bioprinting technologies will be used to get the proper structural organization required for both cartilage and sub-chondral bone formation and IVD development.

2. MSC and MSC-derived extracellular vesicles for biotherapy in rheumatic diseases.

We aim to identify an “enhanced” MSC therapeutic product with high therapeutic efficacy related to a relevant potency assay using trnascriptomic approaches. We also work on the characterization of the cargo of MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are responsible for the main functions of MSCs and involved in their mechanism of action. Role of aging on MSC-EV functions will be investigated.

Image d’exemple