Richard DREVET Docteur en Physico-Chimie des Matériaux

Parcours et situation actuelle

Drapeau PVDLab (Masaryk University, Brno) depuis 2020. "Films minces d'oxydes déposés par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron pour applications diélectriques"

 LAMAV (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) en 2020. "Traitement de surface d'alliages métalliques pour applications biomédicales"

CIRIMAT (Institut National Polytechnique / CNRS, Toulouse) en 2018-2019. "Revêtements adhérents pour prothèses orthopédiques: développement d'une poudre d'hydroxyapatite innovante"

MISIS (National University of Science and Technology, Moscou) en 2016-2018. "Etude des propriétés fonctionnelles d'alliages ferreux biorésorbables pour dispositifs médicaux implantables"

INSTITUT Jean Lamour (Université de Lorraine / CNRS, Nancy) en  2015-2016. "Protection contre l’oxydation de skutterudites nanostructurées pour la génération thermoélectrique"

ICMMO (Université Paris Sud / CNRS, Orsay) et LAMBE (Université d'Evry / CNRS / CEA) en 2013-2014. "Greffage électrochimique pour applications thermoélectriques et capteurs"

IBTH - LISM (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne / INSERM) en 2007-2012. "Élaboration de nouveaux revêtements prothétiques phosphocalciques par électrodéposition. Caractérisation physico-chimique et structurale."

Résumé scientifique


Brevet international

B1-Procédé d’électrodéposition de revêtements phosphocalciques sur substrats métalliques, revêtements obtenus et matériels implantables comportant de tels revêtements”, H. BENHAYOUNE, N. DUMELIE, R. DREVET. Brevet n° WO2010055231. 20-05-2010. (Brevet français n° FR2938271 du 14-05-2010).


Chapitre d’ouvrage

O1- “Electrochemical deposition of calcium phosphate coatings on a prosthetic titanium alloy substrate”, R. DREVET, H. BENHAYOUNE, chapitre 8 de l’ouvrage "Calcium Phosphate: Structure, synthesis, properties and applications" sous la direction du Pr. Robert B. Heimann, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, ISBN: 978-1-62257-299-1, novembre 2012, 231-252.



E1-Biomaterials Design for Human Body Repair”, R. DREVET et al. Designs 8 (4), 2024, 65.

E2-Calcium Phosphates and Bioactive Glasses for Bone Implant Applications”, R. DREVET et al. Coatings 13 (7), 2023, 1217.

E3-Advanced Biomaterials and Coatings”, R. DREVET et al. Coatings 12 (7), 2022, 965.


Publications acceptées dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture

P1-Floating potential probes for process control during reactive magnetron sputtering”, J. VAN BEVER, P. VAŠINA, R. DREVET et al. Surface and Coatings Technology 494, 2024, 131405.

P2-Electrophoretic Deposition of Bioactive Glass Coatings for Bone Implant Applications: A Review”, R. DREVET et al. Coatings 14 (9), 2024, 1084.

P3-Aluminum tantalum oxide thin films deposited at low temperature by pulsed direct current reactive magnetron sputtering for dielectric applications”, R. DREVET et al. Vacuum 221, 2024, 112881.

P4-Bioactive Calcium Phosphate Coatings for Bone Implant Applications: A Review”, R. DREVET et al. Coatings 13 (6), 2023, 1091.

P5-Multilayer thin films of aluminum oxide and tantalum oxide deposited by pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering for dielectric applications”, R. DREVET et al. Vacuum 210, 2023, 111870.

P6-Electrodeposition of Calcium Phosphate Coatings on Metallic Substrates for Bone Implant Applications: A Review”, R. DREVET et al. Coatings 12 (4), 2022, 539. Coatings Best Paper Award 2022.

P7-Oxidation behavior of the skutterudite material Yb0.2Co4Sb12”, R. DREVET et al. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52 (9), 2021, 3996-4002.

P8-Effect of surface mechanical attrition treatment on the microstructure of cobalt–chromium–molybdenum biomedical alloy”, D. TCHANA NKONTA, R. DREVET et al. Microscopy Research & Technique 84 (2), 2021, 238-245.

P9-Oxidation behavior of microstructured and nanostructured Co0.94Ni0.06Sb3 thermoelectric materials”, R. DREVET et al. Oxidation of Metals 93 (5-6), 2020, 559-572.

P10-Pack cementation to prevent the oxidation of CoSb3 in air at 800 K”, R. DREVET et al. Surface and Coatings Technology 385, 2020, 125401.

P11-Aluminizing by pack cementation to protect CoSb3 from oxidation”, R. DREVET et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 241, 2020, 122417.

P12-Electrodeposition of biphasic calcium phosphate coatings with improved dissolution properties”, R. DREVET et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 236, 2019, 121797.

P13- Electrodeposition of cobalt-substituted calcium phosphate coatings on Ti22Nb6Zr alloy for bone implant applications”, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 793, 2019, 576-582.

P14- Oxidation behavior of the skutterudite material Ce0.75Fe3CoSb12”, R. DREVET et al. Oxidation of Metals 91 (5-6), 2019, 767-779.

P15- Tunable corrosion behavior of calcium phosphate coated Fe-Mn-Si alloys for bone implant applications”, R. DREVET et al.  Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49 (12), 2018, 6553-6560.

P16- Electrochemical behavior of CoSb3 in sulfuric and oxalic acids over the potential range 0 to 40 V”, D. VEYS-RENAUX, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 22 (9), 2018, 2821-2828.

P17-Influence of the surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) on the corrosion behavior of Co28Cr6Mo alloy in Ringer's solution”, D.V. TCHANA NKONTA, F. SIMESCU-LAZAR, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 22 (4), 2018, 1091-1098. 

P18- "Martensitic Transformations and Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Fe-Mn-Si Alloys for Biodegradable Medical Implants", R. DREVET et al. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49 (3), 2018, 1006-1013.

P19-Structural and morphological study of electrodeposited calcium phosphate materials submitted to thermal treatment”, R. DREVET et al. Materials Letters 209, 2017, 27-31.

P20-Harnessing Wharton’s jelly stem cell differentiation into bone-like nodule on calcium phosphate substrate without osteoinductive factors”, S. MECHICHE ALAMI, H. RAMMAL, C. BOULAGNON-ROMBI, F. VELARD, F. LAZAR, R. DREVET et al. Acta Biomaterialia 49, 2017, 575-589.

P21-XPS-nanocharacterization of organic layers electrochemically grafted on the surface of SnO2 thin films to produce a new hybrid material coating”, R. DREVET et al. Applied Surface Science 384, 2016, 442-448

P22-Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of nano-hydroxyapatite coatings with improved mechanical properties on prosthetic Ti6Al4V substrates”, R. DREVET et al. Surface and Coatings Technology 301, 2016, 94-99.

P23-A new process for the thermal treatment of calcium phosphate coatings electrodeposited on Ti6Al4V substrate”, N. BEN JABER, R. DREVET et al. Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (11), 2015, 1608-1615.

P24-Electrophoretic Deposition of Hydroxyapatite and 58S Bioactive Glass coatings on the Ti6Al4V alloy subjected to Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment”, J. FAURE, R. DREVET et al. Key Engineering Materials 654, 2015, 149-153.

P25-Metal organic precursor effect on the properties of SnO2 thin films deposited by MOCVD technique for electrochemical applications”, R. DREVET et al. Surface and Coatings Technology 271, 2015,  234-241.

P26-A new sol-gel synthesis of 45S5 bioactive glass using an organic acid as catalyst”, J. FAURE, R. DREVET et al. Materials Science and Engineering C 47, 2015, 407-415. 

P27- “Nanocrystallized SnO2 thin films deposited on Si and LaAlO3 substrates by pulsed-MOCVD technique for electrochemical applications”, R. DREVET et al. Surface and Coatings Technology 230, 2013, 180-185. 

P28-Pulsed electrodeposition for the synthesis of strontium-substituted calcium phosphate coatings with improved dissolution properties”, R. DREVET et al. Materials Science and Engineering C 33, 2013, 4260-4265.

P29-Human osteoblast-like cells response to pulsed electrodeposited calcium phosphate coatings”, R. DREVET et al. RSC Advances 3, 2013, 11148-11154.

P30-Morphological modifications of electrodeposited calcium phosphate coatings under amino acids effect”, R. DREVET et al. Applied Surface Science 268, 2013, 343-348.

P31-A Simple Method to Assess Surface Roughness by Photothermal Investigation (PTR) by Means of an Effective Semitransparent Layer”, J.S. ANTONIOW, M. CHIRTOC, R. DREVET et al. International Journal of Thermophysics 33 (10-11), 2012, 1960-1965.

P32- In vitro corrosion behavior of electrodeposited calcium phosphate coatings on Ti6Al4V substrates”, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 16 (9), 2012, 3069-3077.

P33-Thermal treatment optimization of electrodeposited hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti6Al4V substrate”, R. DREVET et al. Advanced Engineering Materials 14 (6), 2012, 377-382.

P34-Nanoscale surface modification of a prosthetic material: case of Ti6Al4V into Ringer’s solution”, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (6), 2012, 4956-4961.

P35-Electrophoretic Deposition of Bioactive Glass Coatings on Ti12Mo5Ta Alloy”, J. FAURE, R. DREVET et al. Key Engineering Materials 507, 2012, 135-140. 

P36-Structural characterization of electrodeposited strontium substituted calcium phosphate coatings”, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 1, 2011, 68-75.

P37-In vitro dissolution and corrosion study of calcium phosphate coatings elaborated by pulsed electrodeposition current on Ti6Al4V substrate”, R. DREVET et al. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 22 (4), 2011, 753-761.

P38-Effects of pulsed current and H2O2 amount on the composition of electrodeposited calcium phosphate coatings”, R. DREVET et al. Materials Characterization 61 (8), 2010, 786-795. 

P39-Elaboration of monophasic and biphasic calcium phosphate coatings on Ti6Al4V substrate by pulsed electrodeposition current”, H. BENHAYOUNE, R. DREVET et al. Advanced Engineering Materials 12 (6), 2010, B192-B199.


Activités d'expertise

Exp1- évaluation de projets de recherche:

           Fondation allemande pour la recherche (DFG, Allemagne)

           Laboratoire d'Excellence "Chimie des Architectures Moléculaires Multifonctionnelles et des Matériaux" (LabEX CHARMMMAT, Université Paris-Saclay, France)

           Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, Ministère de la Recherche, France)


Exp2- rédacteur en chef invité du journal Frontiers in Materials:

          -  "Bioactive Coatings: Advancing Bone Implant Performance and Longevity"

Exp3- membre de l'équipe éditoriale du journal Designs (MDPI):

          -  "Biomaterials Design"

Exp4- rédacteur en chef invité du journal Coatings (MDPI):

          -  "Advanced Biomaterials and Coatings"

          -  "Calcium Phosphate and Bioglass Materials for Bone Implant Applications"

          -  "Electrochemical and Electrophoretic Deposition of Bioactive Coatings"


Exp5- membre de comités de lecture de plusieurs revues internationales:

   -  Surface & Coatings Technology (104)

   -  Materials Letters (29)

   -  Materials Science and Engineering C / Biomaterials Advances (26)

   -  Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (23)

  Materials (22), Materials Chemistry and Physics (22)

   -  Coatings (21), Medical Engineering & Physics (21)

   -  Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B (14), Nanomaterials (14)

   -  Thin Solid Films (13)

   -  Corrosion Science (11)

   -  International Journal of Molecular Sciences (9), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (9)

   -  Acta Biomaterialia (5)

   -  Applied Surface Science (4), Electrochimica Acta (4), Journal of Alloys and Compounds (4), Materials & Design (4)

   -  Arabian Journal of Chemistry (3), Ceramics (3), International Journal of Nanomedicine (3), Journal of Functional Biomaterials (3)

   -  Applied Sciences (2), Biomedicines (2), Crystals (2), Electrochemistry Communications (2), Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (2), Metals (2), Surfaces and Interfaces (2), Vacuum (2)

   -  Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Antioxidants, Biomaterials, Biomimetics, Ceramics International, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Composites Part B: Engineering, Current Applied Physics, Energies, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Heliyon, Inorganics, Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Molecules, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Progress in Organic Coatings, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Surfaces, Technologies.

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