Jean-Marc BRONDELLO Ph.D life Science and cellular Biology

Course and current status

Jean-Marc Brondello studied Pharmacology and Cellular Biology at the University of Nice (France) and completed his PhD on the role of MKPs in cell proliferation at Jacques Pouyssegur’s lab in Nice (France).

He then moved to California at The Scripps Research Institute (La jolla, USA) to perform a 4-year postdoctoral training in Paul Russell’s Lab working on DNA damage checkpoint and cell cycle regulation

In 2002, he was nominated as Research Associate at INSERM and developed projects on DNA damage checkpoint regulation linked to cellular senescence and cancer. In 2005, he was the laureate of French-Canadian exchange program and was invited at the University of Montreal (Qc, Canada).

In 2008, he jointed as research scientist the INSERM Unit directed by Christian Jorgensen at Montpellier (France), where he sought to link between cellular senescence and osteoarticular disease development.

Since 2015, as member of the national INSERM consortium on aging studies: AGEMED, he is managing a research group entitled “innovative senotherapeutic strategies applied to osteoarticular diseases and Regenerative Medicine” at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy, IRMB, U1183 Montpellier, France.

Current address:

Institute For Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy (IRMB) INSERM U1183

Group Leader "innovative senotherapies in Regenerative Medicine" Team 2 Group 3

CHU St Eloi, 34295 Montpellier cedex 05, France


2023-2025   Projet FUFaging SATTLR/Montpellier University (Co-applicant)

2023-2025   Projet Emergence SFR (Co-PI)

2023-2024   Clinical project MOuv GoPro (partner)

2023-2026   Collaborative support Grant from Montpellier Univ (PI)

2023-2026   Industrial Ph D Fellowship (PI)

2021-2022:  BIOMARKER MUSE Montpellier Univ (PI)

2021-2022:  Grant APHP OSCAR (PI)

2021-2024:  Regional Grant on aging therapies: SenoCure (PI)

2020-2023:  Industrial Ph D fellowship (PI)

2020-2023:  CHU-UM RegenHab FHU Ph.D fellowship (PI)

2019-2022:  Comparative senescence phenotypes associated to Covid-19 (co-applicant)

2016-2023 : National INSERM consortium on aging AGEMED (co-laureate)

2020-2021:  Industrial grant "senoCure" (PI)

2019-2020 : Montpellier University initial grant : osteoarthritis therapies (PI)

2015-2017 : Industrial grant  « Senestem » (co-laureate)

2015-2018 : ANR « Mitostem » (co-laureate)

2014-2015 :  ITMO aging « Rejuvstem » (co-lauréate)

2013-2015 : Research grant "Fondation de l’Avenir" (PI)

2009-2012 : Regional Ph.D fellowship Université de Montpellier (co-laureate)

2008-2011 : Research grant FRM (co-laureate)

2005-2006 : french-canadian exchange program fellowship : IRSC-INSERM (PI)

2004-2007 : Grant Cancérople Grand Sud-Ouest (projet 3R) (PI)

2001-2003 : Research grant ARC (PI)

1999-2000: california Leukemia society post-doctoral fellowship (PI)


2024-now : Co-manager of ImmunoCell on autoimmunity Diploma, Montpellier Univ

2021-now : Co-manager of Master 2 Ageing studies program, Montpellier University

2013-now : Molecular and proteomic studies (Licence Pro, Montpellier University

2015-now : senotherapies for elderly: Regenerative medicine diploma Montpellier university

2018-now: senotherapies: Master 2 Therapies Medecine Faculty Montpellier University

2017-now: senotherapies and regenerative medicine: Master 2 Montpellier University

2011-now : Senescence and checkpoint Master 2 Pharmacy faculty, Montpellier

2011-now : Senescence and epigenetic Master 2 Cell biology, Montpellier University

2015-2018 : Cellular biology practice in Licence, Montpellier University

2007-2012 : Project management in Biology Master Biotin , Montpellier University


2023: Journée de la société Oscar des tissus minéralisés, Paris (Invited)

2021: Journée Bichat-Beaujon Centre de recherche sur l"inflammation (invited)

2021: Journées Biomarkers days Université de Montpellier (invited)

2021: Seconde rencontre occitanie sur le vieillissement (organizer)

2020: 2nd longevity therapeutics symposium, San Francisco, (invited)

2019: Seminaire externe INRAE Unité Nutrition humaine Clermont-ferrand (invited)

2018: Rencontre Agemed Paris et Marseille (invited)

2018: Seminaire Département de Rhumatologie GIGA CHU de Liége, Belgique (invited)

2016: Premiere rencontre d'occitanie sur le vieillissement (scientific commitee),

2013: Journée de Rhumatologie MAMATO (invited)

2011: Rencontre Franco-Americaine FABS autour du viellissement (scientific commitee)

2008: 38e Congrès annuel de la société SFBBM, La grande Motte (Organizer)

2007: Institut de Neurosciences de Montpellier, (invited)

2005: Departement de Biochimie, Université de Montreal, (invited)

2004: Université de Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (invited)

2001: Centre de Biochimie Valrose, Université de Nice (invited)


  •  Responsibilities within the national and international scientific community

2023              HCERES evaluation commitee member as expert on joint studies

2021-now      Elected member of INSERM CSS3 scientific evaluation commitee

2020-now      Co-coordinator for innovative Senotherapy collaborative program, AGEMED

2021             Expertise for Region "Ile de France"

2020-2021     Editor at Cells

2015-now      Grant per Reviewer for regional, national and international institutions

2004-now      journal per reviewer for several journals

  •  Responsibilities within the Montpellier scientific community

2023-now      Elected Representative for Regenerative Medecine axis at Montpellier Unv

2023-now      Suppléant for F4SCT INSERM at DR Occitanie-Sud

2011-now      Co-founder and animator of the Montpellier Aging Network

2014-now      Educational committee member at IUT, Montpellier University

2013-now      PhD and pharma D Thesis Jury Member (6 thesis defense)

2016-now      Ph. D Student committee member (5 thesis), Montpellier University

2017-now      Jury at University professional committee, Montpellier

2010-now      Master 2 student jury, Montpellier University

2014-now      Jury Member of the PhD Program Selection, Montpellier University, France 

2016             scientific committee member on the first regional Aging symposium

2011             Scienfic committee member for the french-american FABS on aging

2008             Executive organizer committee for 38th SFBBM annual meeting

  •  Responsibilities within the INSERM Unit

2023-            Green Lab commitee, IRMB, France

2015-2021     Equipment Committee leader, IRMB, France

2008-2015     Organizer of the scientific lecture committee, INM, France

2008-2015     Gaz and CO2 network manager

  •  Society Membership:

2012             Montpellier Aging Network (organizer)

2017             French society for Rhumatology

2017             French society for Stem cell research

2016             International cellular Senescence Association




Scientific summary

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic degenerative disease having pejorative consequences on quality of life in elderly. OA has a huge impact on the public health costs. OA pathology is characterized by progressive cartilage alteration, osteophyte formation, sub-chondral bone sclerosis, and synovial inflammation. To date, no validated curative medical treatments are available for OA patients. New "symptomatic slow-acting drugs" such as glucosamine are used but they still lack evidence for efficiency on long-term structural articular remodeling. Therefore, OA still shows a huge unmet need while symptomatic painkiller treatments remain alternatives before prosthetic surgical joint replacement. To develop innovative treatments, we should decipher how OA-driven events could affect joint homeostasis. Remarkably recent works published by us and others have given new insights on the cellular mechanisms namely cellular senescence that could explain phenotypes accounting for OA development.

Accordingly, we found with others senescent cells expressing p16INK4a,p15INK4b and p21cdkn1a in cartilage, synovial and fat pad tissues from OA mice and OA patients. However, during the course of the disease, it still remains to decipher which, when and how articular joint cell-types are becoming senescent in order to propose innovative specific senotherapies for cartilage regeneration. Using in vivo transgenic murine models for senescence detection and depletion altogether with in vitro 2D and 3D senescent conditions on osteoarticular cells, our group aims at:

  • identifying senescent articular joint cells that drive tissue degeneration
  • developing strategies to eliminate and detect such cells in vitro and in vivo
  • restoring joint functions in elderly to delay prosthetic surgery
Image d’exemple