2018 : PhD Bordeaux University. Sciences de la vie et de la Santé, Option : Biologie cellulaire et Physiopathologie
2007 : MD graduation (thèse de médecine, Bordeaux University)
2007 : specialisation in anaesthesia and intensive care (DES anesthésie-réanimation)
Specialist in anaesthesia and intentive care, I am interested in perioperative haemostasis and management of bleeding. I am part of the Groupe d'Intérêt en Hémostase Périopératoire (GIHP) since 2014.
During my PhD I worked on the management of coagulopathy and transfusion in liver transplantation, with a focus on thrombin generation and fibrinolysis.
From 2019 to 2021, I was part of the Chloé James' group at Inserm U1034 (Pessac). I aimed at studying thrombotic complications after vascular surgery and the role of endothelial cells and neutrophils (via the formation of NEts) in this process.
Then I joined Cecile Denis'group at Inserm U1176 (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre) and worked on new treatments for Von Willebrand disease. I am currently developping translational research in the field of cirrhotic patients and liver transplantation.