Cedric Chaveroux
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33 469166680
  • Location : Lyon, France
Last update 2020-06-26 11:31:35.516

Cedric Chaveroux Nutritional microenvironment and stress signaling in cancer, PhD Molecular Biology

Course and current status

Since January 2020

CNRS researcher at Cancer Research Center of Lyon, leader of the “Nutritional Stress Response” group (Dr. Renno's lab).

October 2016-December 2019

CNRS researcher at Cancer Research Center of Lyon (Dr. S.Manié’s group)

March 2015 - July 2016

Post-doc CRCL at Cancer Research Center of Lyon (Dr. S.Manié’s group)

February 2013 - February 2015

Post-doc INRA Human Nutrition Unit (Dr. P. Fafournoux’s lab)

April 2010-December 2012

Post-doc McGill Cancer center (Montréal, Canada) (Dr. V.Giguère’s lab)

October 2006 - March 2010

PhD student INRA Human Nutrition Unit (Dr. P. Fafournoux’s lab)

Scientific summary

Nutritional microenvironment and stress signaling in cancer

Multiple pathologies including fibrosis or cancer are characterized by microenvironmental changes including tissue modification and a heterogenous access to nutrients. Cellular adaptation to this altered milieu implicates the regulation of molecular events controlling metabolic rewiring and participating to the progression of the disease. In addition to these endogenous processes, several therapeutic approaches are based on nutritional deprivation. In this context, our group is investigating the molecular pathways modulated by the nutrients availability and their roles in the adaptive response. Particularly, we are focusing our interest on the GCN2 functions and amino acid-related pathways (kynurenine pathway) in cancer and other types of digestive and pulmonary diseases associated to metabolic stress.


Group expertise:

i) biochemistry and molecular biology

ii) in-vitro and in-vivo tools and scientific expertise for investigating nutritional manipulation and cell response (pulmonary and digestive tissues).

iii) modeling in-vitro heterogeneity of diseased tissues: 2D and 3D culture in nutritional-like microenvironment (microfluidic associated to spheroids, organoids and tumoroids) from cell lines and genetically-modified mouse models and human samples.

iv) private-public collaborations and co-development.

Image d’exemple