Born 27/01/1973 in Le Mans (France), David-Alexandre Trégouët was recruited at INSERM as a research associate 2nd class in 1999 just after completing his PhD in statistical genetics. Since then, he has been working at INSERM U937 (previously labelled U525), a research department led by Francois Cambien and focusing on cardiovascular genomics. In 2004, he was promoted research associate 1st class and obtained in 2005 his "qualification to conduct research" that enables him to supervise PhD students. David-Alexandre Trégouët was promoted research director 2nd class in December 2009.
He heads the team "Genomics of Venous Thrombosis" within INSERM UMR_S 937. This team is currently composed of two statistical engineers, two PhD students, one engineer and one technical assistant on molecular genetics.
David-Alexandre Trégouët serves as Editor for the BMC Medical Genetics (Cardiovascular section) and Human Genetics (Review section) journals and as Associated Editor for Journal of Molecular Medicine and Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.
During his PhD in statistical genetics, David-Alexandre Trégouët developped several methodological approaches to analyze family data using generalized estimating equations (GEE). His research interests then focused on the development of statistical models to infer haplotypes in the context of candidate gene haplotype analysis by use of a stochastic-EM approach. All these models were implemented in the THESIAS software that is among the most frequently used programs for such analyses. He then extented these models to the analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms derived from genome-wide DNA chips and proposed the first genome-wide haplotype association analysis of coronary artery disease.
In parallel to these statistical developments, David-Alexandre Trégouët participates in the design and the analysis of epidemiological studies aiming at identifying susceptibility genes for cardiovascular diseases. His favourite diseases are venous thrombosis, pulmonary artery hypertension and myocardial infarction. Covered research strategies include candidate gene, genome-wide association and expression analyses and whole exome sequencing.