Chantal Desdouets studied Biochemistry and Cell Biology at University “Pierre et Marie Curie” (Paris). She obtained her PhD in 1996 for studies on “regulation of cyclin A expression during mammalian cell cycle division“ under the supervision of Christian Bréchot at Institut Necker. As a human frontier post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of John Diffley at the Cancer UK in London, she investigated the factors essential for initiation of replication in S. cerevisiae. In 1999, she joined the laboratory of Christian Bréchot as a staff researcher with an INSERM position and developed topics on “Cellular Ploidy and Liver Physiology“. She obtained her « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches » in 2005. She joined Institut Cochin (Inserm U1016) in 2005, funded by an ANR young researcher grant to develop her own group. In 2009, she obtained a Research Director (DR2) position at Inserm and leads her own Team. From 2012-2017, she was the co-director of the “Development Reproduction Cancer” Department at Cochin Institute. Since 2019, she leads her research team "Proliferation, Stress and Liver physiopathology" at the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers in Paris (INSERM UMRS1138) (Labélisation FRM).
Bou-Nader M, Caruso S, Donne R, Celton-Morizur S, Calderaro J, Gentric G, Cadoux M, L'Hermitte A, Klein C, Guilbert T, Albuquerque M, Couchy G, Paradis V, Couty JP, Zucman-Rossi J, C. Desdouets. Polyploidy spectrum: a new marker in HCC classification. Gut. 2020 69(2):355-364.
Donne R, Saroul-Aïnama M, Cordier P, Celton-Morizur S, Desdouets C. Polyploidy in liver development, homeostasis and disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020, 17 (7): 391-405.
L'Hermitte A, Pham S, Cadoux M, Couchy G, Caruso S, Anson M, Crain-Denoyelle AM, Celton-Morizur S, Yamagoe S, Zucman-Rossi J, Desdouets C, Couty JP. Lect2 controls inflammatory monocytes to constrain the growth and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2019, 69 (1): 160-178.
V. Maillet, N Boussetta, J. Leclerc, V. Fauveau, M. Foretz, B. Viollet, JP Couty, S Celton-Morizur, C. Perret, C. Desdouets. LKB1 as a gatekeeper of hepatocyte proliferation and genomic integrity during liver regeneration. Cell Report 2018, 22 (8): 1994-2005.
Gentric G, Maillet V, Paradis V, Couton D, L'Hermitte A, Panasyuk G, Fromenty B, Celton-Morizur S, Desdouets C. Oxidative stress promotes pathologic polyploidization in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Clin Invest. 2015, 125(3):981-92.
My team is dedicated to basic and translational research in the field of Liver Physiopathology. The liver is a vital organ responsible for a myriad of functions (e.g. synthesis of proteins, bile production/secretion, metabolism, detoxification). These functions are performed mostly by the hepatocyte the main liver parenchymal cell. In adults, hepatocytes are quiescent and highly differentiated cells. Distinctively, hepatocytes are polyploid. In eukaryotic organisms, cells usually contain a diploid genome comprised of pairs of homologous chromosomes. Polyploidy refers to gains in entire sets of chromosomes. Throughout life, hepatocytes are constantly exposed to different stressors. Beyond these injuries, hepatocytes retain the unique property to self-renew and to repair the liver ad integrum. In this context, the project of our team is committed to decipher how polyploidy, DNA damage response and immunosurveillance impact on hepatocytes division integrity during pathological settings. We are particularly interested in overfeeding and/or sedentary lifestyle-associated obesity that promotes Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD). NAFLD is a spectrum of chronic liver disease ranging from simple hepatic steatosis (NAFL) to liver cell injury and inflammation known as Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis (NASH). Nowadays, it is already demonstrated that Hepatocarcinoma (HCC) escalating morbidity and mortality trends parallel to the rising prevalence of NAFLD.
In that context, my team is committed to understanding mechanistically how polyploidy, DNA damage response and immunosurveillance impact on hepatocytes cell division and transformation leading to HCC emergence and progression.