Remy Nicolle
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 5545
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2022-04-20 22:21:21.133

Remy Nicolle PhD computational biology

Course and current status

Current position

  • CRCN INSERM – group leader at the Center for Research on Inflammation (CRI, Inserm U1149)
  • Head of ATIP-Avenir team “Translational genomics of pancreatic neoplasia heterogeneity” 
  • Member of FHU MOSAIC (Fédération Hospitalo Universitaire - Multiscale Optimised Strategy for Artificial Intelligence-based Imaging Biomarkers in Digestive Cancer)


Education background

 Ph.D. in cancer computational biology, Institut Curie- Université Paris Saclay, 2015


Membership of professional organizations

Member of the governing board of the French Association for the Study of pancreatic cancer [AFRCP] (2021-)

Scientific summary

The aim of my research is to characterize the inter and intra patient heterogeneity of pancreatic tumors. The work of the team is focused on two main axes. The first one aims at describing the histological and molecular heterogeneity at work in pancreatic adenocarcinomas. These particularly fibrous and very aggressive tumors form a tissue with a complex architecture. The use of tools resulting from recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence combined with spatialized molecular profiling methods allows us to understand the organization of these complex tissues and to decipher the role of each cell type. This first axis of modeling morpho-molecular heterogeneity is fundamental for the other objective of the team which is to develop clinical tools, and in particular molecular signatures, for clinical decision support. This translational aspect of the team's research aims at transferring phenotypic description tools (particularly theranostic RNA signatures) in the context of personalized medicine.

Image d’exemple