Stéphane Vassilopoulos PhD

Course and current status


2016               Habilitation to direct research, University Paris 5 René Descartes

2007               PhD Diploma in Cell and Molecular biology. Université Grenoble Alpes   

2000               Master in Cell and Molecular Biology, UGA.


2014 – now     Research Project leader at INSERM - Myology Research Center, Sorbonne Université, Institute of Myology, Paris, France.



2010 – 2014    Research scientist at INSERM - Therapy of muscle diseases unit, Sorbonne Université, INSERM, Institute of Myology, Paris, France.

2009 – 2010    Post-doctoral researcher - Myology research unit, Sorbonne Université, Paris France.

2007 – 2009    Post-doctoral researcher, UCSF, San Francisco, CA USA.



2014 – 2018    Obtained two PhD fellowships to my trainees, A. Franck and E. Lemerle (Sorbonne University).

2007 – 2008    Competitive post-doctoral fellowship from Medical Research Foundation to work in the Frances Brodsky laboratory (University of California, San Francisco, USA).

2005 – 2006    Exchange PhD student program, six months collaboration in Prof. Kevin Campbell's laboratory (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, University of Iowa, IA, USA).

2003 – 2006    PhD fellowship from the French government (UGA).


Scientific summary

In order to respond to the forces to which they are subjected, muscle fibers have developped specific membrane compartments and intracellular transport pathways. My research group is interested in understanding the mechanisms that allow: 1) adhesion and mechanotransduction by clathrin plaques at the costameres 2) the formation of T-tubules by caveolae 3) coordination with the cytoskeleton and 4) the vesicular traffic which takes place between these compartments. We combine molecular biology with correlative electron microscopy techniques to understand how genetic or physical parameters affect these mechanisms and how they are altered in the pathophysiology of centronuclear myopathy, myotonic dystrophy and limb girdle myopathies.

Image d’exemple