Since Sept. 2008
Maître de Conférences (Lecturer/Assistant professor) Laboratoire de Signalisation et Physiopathologie Cardiaque UMR-S769 Director Dr. R. Fischmeister. University Paris-Sud 11 |
Nov.05-Oct. 2008 |
Postdoctoral fellow « Role of phosphodiesterases type 4 in Heart Failure» Inserm UMR-S 769, IFR141, University Paris-Sud 11, Faculty of Pharmacy. Dr. R. Fischmeister’s team |
Sept.02-Nov.2005 |
Postdoctoral fellow « Properties and function of neuronal calcium channels subunits» Department of Pharmacology, University College London, London, UK. Prof. A.C. Dolphin’s Laboratory. |
During my thesis, I studied modulation of voltage gated calcium channels by calcium and phosphorylation processus in a physiological context (cardiomyocytes) or when reconstituted in heterologuous systems. To further my knowledge concerning calcium channels, I held a post-doctoral fellowship at the UCL University in London from 2002. There I joined Professor Annette Dolphin's group at the Pharmacology department of UCL to study the G protein modulation of neuronal voltage gated calcium channel. As an electrophysiologist, I went back to France in 2005, joining Rodolphe Fischmeister's group in Châtenay-Malabry to study phosphodiesterases in heart, enzymes that tighly control cyclic nucleotides (CN) levels in cardiomyocytes that regulate among other key proteins, the cardiac calcium channel. I then took up a lectureship at the faculty of Pharmacy of the Paris Sud-11 university. Our work of the last four years has been dedicated to understanding the intracellular organization of CN pathways, which we found are highly compartmentalized, and the changes occurring in pathophysiological situations. The general objective is to understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for the homeostasis of these second messengers and the functional consequences for cellular and cardiac function. We developed novel electrophysiological and imaging techniques to record simultaneously cyclic nucleotide changes and key functional parameters of the cardiac cell.