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  • Phone : +33 2 40 16 53 04
  • Location : Nantes, France
Last update 2011-05-16 15:39:58.085

Bertrand Rozec MD PhD,

Course and current status

Hospîtal Practitioner – Anesthesiology and Intensive Care


1999     Master 2, University of Paris VII

2001     MD, University of Nantes

2006     PhD, University of Nantes,



- 1994-2001 : Resident - Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department. University Hospital Nantes 


- Interface Contract -INSERM/CHU Nantes  Since 2008

- Scientific Grants: SFAR (2001-2004) FRM (1999)



  • Moniotte S, Belge C, Sekkali B, Massion PB, Rozec B, Dessy C, Balligand JL. Sepsis is associated with an upregulation of functional beta3 adrenoceptors in the myocardium. Eur J Heart Fail. 2007 Dec;9(12):1163-71
  • Rozec B, Gauthier C. beta3-adrenoceptors in the cardiovascular system: putative roles in human pathologies. Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Sep;111(3):652-73.
  • Rozec B, Quang TT, Noireaud J, Gauthier C. Mixed beta3-adrenoceptor agonist and alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist properties of nebivolol in rat thoracic aorta.Br J Pharmacol. 2006 Apr;147(7):699-706.
  • Gouëffic Y, Rozec B, Sonnard A, Patra P, Blanloeil Y. Evidence for early nasogastric tube removal after infrarenal aortic surgery: a randomized trial. J Vasc Surg. 2005 Oct;42(4):654-9.
  • Rozec B, Serpillon S, Toumaniantz G, Sèze C, Rautureau Y, Baron O, Noireaud J, Gauthier C. Characterization of beta3-adrenoceptors in human internal mammary artery and putative involvement in coronary artery bypass management. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Jul 19;46(2):351-9.


Scientific summary

My work was articulated around sveral complementary projects concerning the beta3 adrenoceptor in the cardiovascular system

We identified the presence of β3-ARs on internal mammary artery endothelium, an artery used as graft for the myocardial revascularisation. Their stimulation induces a vasodilation dependent of nitric oxyde (NO). These receptors could prevent vasospasm after coronary artery bypass surgery.

Currently, the cellular targets of a third generation β-blocker efficient in systemic hypertension and heart failure, nebivolol, being poorly characterised, we shown that it activates β3-ARs both in rat thoracic aorta and in human myocardium.

The overexpression of β3-AR by using an adenoviral vector, leads to pro-angiogenic effects in various angiogenesis assays.

In endotoxemic shock, the β3-AR induced vasodilation is decreased, and is partly compensed by β1- and β2-AR activity potentialisation.

Taken together theses results highlight the potential role of β3-AR in various cardiovascular diseases.


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