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  • Location : Nice, France
Last update 2011-03-25 13:40:14.703

Yannick Le MArchand-Brustel Pharm, PhD

Course and current status

Pharmacy degree (Paris, France, 1969)

PhD Paris, France 1973

1971-1976: PhD student, than post doc, University of Geneva, Faculty of medecine

1976-1981 Junior INSERM scientist, Nice

1981-1999 Senior Scientist INSERM U 145, Nice

1999-2007: Senior scientist Head of an INSERM Unit (physiopathology of diabetes and obesity

Since 2008: Head of the Mediterranean Center of Molecular Medeince (C3M, U 895, Nice, France)

Scientific summary

I have been interested during all my carrier in the pathophysyology of diabetes and obesity, and more recently in the metabolic alterations due to thos diseases such as insulin resistance, and NAFLD.

keywords: insulin resistance, NAFLD, glucose transport, insulin signaling


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