Giovanni STEVANIN Senior Researcher (DR1) at INSERM and Professor at EPHE/PSL research University in the ICM Institute; PhD and HDR in Neurosciences (Sorbonne University, Paris)

Course and current status


1991: Bachelor of sciences (immunology and molecular biology), ESTBA, Paris. Training at INSERM U289 (Prof Y. Agid), Paris.  

1993: Master of sciences (molecular genetics), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (PSL Univ), Paris. Training at INSERM U289 (Prof Y. Agid), Paris.

1994: Master of sciences / DEA (neurosciences), Sorbonne (P6) University (rank: 2/54). Training at INSERM U289 (Prof Y. Agid), Paris.

1998: PhD (Neurosciences), Sorbonne (P6) University (highest grade). Training at INSERM U289 (Prof Y. Agid), Paris.

2004: Habilitation to conduct research (HDR, Sorbonne (P6) University).


1999-2001: Post-doctoral fellow (Institut Génétique Biologie Moléculaire Cellulaire, Prof JL Mandel and Hopital Civil de Strasbourg, Prof J Sahel).

2001-2006: Research associate (Chargé de recherches de classe 1)

2010-2021: Supervisor of a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical research at the Institute of Technology Ecole Supérieure de Techniques de Biologie Appliquée (ESTBA)

2006-2022: Research Professor (Directeur de recherches de classe 2)

Since 2010: Professor (Directeur d'études) at the EPHE / Paris Sciences Lettres university, Paris.

Since 2022: Research Professor (Directeur de recherches de classe 1)


2011-2018: Team leader at EPHE / PSL Univ (Institut du cerveau, Paris France)

2012-2016: Scientific manager of the IGenSeq sequencing facility of the ICM institute

2019-2022: Team leader at ICM (Institut du cerveau, Paris France)

From 2022: Team leader at INCIA (Bordeaux, France)


2004-2017: Consultant (Interface) at the Fédération de Génétique of the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital (Paris, France).

2012-2022: Member of the Scientific Council of the SVT section of the EPHE / PSL research university

2012-2014 and 2018-2022: Collaborator of the Dean of the SVT section of the EPHE / PSL research university

2014-2019: Member of the Scientific Council of the Doctoral School 472

Since 2015: Member of the Administration Council of the Institute of Technology Ecole Supérieure de Techniques de Biologie Appliquée (ESTBA)

Since 2018: Member of the Editorial board of Frontiers in Neurology Neurogenetics

Since 2022: Scientific advisor at HCERES

Since 2022: Elected member of the Neuroscience INSERM committee (CSS4)


1999: PhD Award of the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

2020: Jansen Award of the French National Academy of Medicine

Other activities:

2009-2014: Member of the ICM Laboratory Council

2014-2022: Member of the Team Council of the Institut du Cerveau

Since 2017: Member of the scientific council of Patient associations (Maddi foundation UK, EURO-HSP, CSC, ASL-HSP, AFAF)

Scientific summary

Giovanni Stevanin is a neuroscientist and molecular biologist specialized on hereditary movement disorders. After a PhD at the Pité-Salpêtrière Hospital and a postdoctoral training at IGBMC (Strasbourg), he was recruited as associate professor in 2000 and is now research director at INSERM and Professor of Neurogenetics at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes / PSL university. He manages a team  that focuses its studies on spinocerebellar degenerations, which include cerebellar ataxias and spastic paraplegias. His current projects cover both the genetic and physiopathological aspects of these diseases with the objectives to 1) identify new genes responsible for spinocerebellar degenerations using next generation sequencing (17 causative genes identified during the last 15 years) and 2) understand the mechanisms implicated in neurodegeneration and 3) develop and design rational therapies to treat these diseases. These last aspects are investigated in several prototypes of these diseases; DRPLA, SPG11 and SPG56. He co-coordinates an international network on these diseases: SPATAX (

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