Jean-Ehrland Ricci
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  • Location : Nice, France
Last update 2016-08-03 12:25:25.789

Jean-Ehrland Ricci PhD Molecular and Cellular Biology

Course and current status

Date of Birth: August 29th, 1973 


2006: Enabling for research management (HDR) 

2000: PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Unviersity of Nice, France 


Research experience:

2006 – present:   Head of an Inserm (AVENIR 2006-2010) team.

2013- present : Research Director (DR2), Inserm

2008 – 2013:   Permanent position at Inserm institution (Chargé de Recherche 1).

2004 – 2007:  Permanent position at Inserm institution (Chargé de Recherche 2)

2003-2004:  Associate research scientist, San Diego (USA). 

2000-2003: Post-doctoral fellow in DR Green's laboratory, San Diego (USA).

1997- 2000: PhD Student, INSERM U526, Nice. Thesis advisor: Dr. Auberger.


Publications: 60 publications (in July 2016) in peer-reviewed journals including: Cell x2, J Cell Biol x2, Mol Cell, Immunity, Blood, Mol Cell Proteomics, PNAS, Cancer Research, Oncogene, Cell Death Dif , Faseb J , J Biol Chem x2. 

Referee for several international scientific journals including “Journal of Clinical Investigation”, “Blood”, “Nature Methods”, “Cell Death and Differentiation”, “Cell Death and Disease”, “Oncogene”, “Cancer research” “Oncotarget”…

Expert for national and international foundations ANR, ARC, Ligue Régionale, Cancéropoles,  « Association for International Cancer Research » (AICR), Worldwide Cancer Research, The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding), Deutsch National Science Foundation (NWO), Health Research Board (HRB, Ireland), The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and Swiss National Science Foundation.

Referee for national laboratory evaluation as external expert (CNRS, AERES, HCERES).

Referee for Thesis (>12) and HDR comities (>4).

memberships national committees: CSS2 Inserm (2016-2021), section 24 CoNRS (2015-2016), Scientific council of Canceropole PACA.


‘Methods for determining the metabolic status of lymphomas’ (PCT/EP2015/054209), 2015,

‘A method for predicting the responsiveness of patient to a treatment with an anti-CD20 antibody’ (PCT/EP2015/054209), 2014,

‘Glycolytic inhibitor with cytotoxic agent for use in the treatment of a cancer’(WO2012123774), 2012.

5 awards since 2010 including ‘Arloing, Courmont’ award from Lyon Pasteur Institute’ - 2012 and ‘Cancer’ award from the National Academy of Medicine – 2014.

organization of 5 international meetings and 29 invited talks to international conferences/seminars since 2010 (including EMBO, ECDO, Cold Spring Harbor meetings)

Guest Editor for Oncotarget, (I.F. 5.0),

Associate Editor for Oncogenesis, (I.F. 5.02),

Member of the editorial board of American Journal of Cancer Research, (I.F. 3.45)

Scientific summary

Metabolic Control of Cell Deaths in Cancer (metabolism, cancer and immune responses)

In the current paradigm, the aerobic glycolysis is considered the central metabolic characteristic of cancer cells (Warburg’s effect). However, recent data indicate that significant changes in other metabolic pathways are also needed. In this more complex picture, this variety of metabolic source could be a force (causing endless possibilities for adaptation and therefore an increased chance of drug resistance) or a weakness that could be targeted (being ultimately limited by the availability of specific nutrients or factors regulating the metabolic 'switch') for cancer cells. Although the glycolytic enzymes are found over-expressed in almost all human cancers, it is now well established that their role in neoplastic transformation is not limited to their glycolytic function.

Our working hypothesis is based on the fact that not only the cancer cells have a very specific metabolism, but also on the fact that they have developed ways to prevent any type of cell death (apoptotic and non-apoptotic) in order to proliferate, resist to chemotherapy and evade the immune surveillance. Our research strategy is to determine if modulation of cell metabolism can impact on cell death and the anti-cancer immune response. Our mechanistic characterization is performed in vitro followed by a validation in pre-clinical models and as often as possible in patients’ samples.

Image d’exemple