Marcel Goldberg is professor of epidemiology at Paris Ouest Medical School - Versailles Saint Quentin University, France. He obtained degrees in Medicine (MD, 1972), Computer science - Applied Mathematics (1974), Human Biology (PhD, 1980), and Epidemiology (PhD, 1983). He is also currently a researcher at Inserm U1018 (Epidemiology of Occupational and Social Determinants of Health - Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, Villejuif, France), after having directed the Research Unit 88 of INSERM from 1983 to 2004. He also was the director of the Department of Occupational Health of the French National Health Surveillance Institute. His main scientific fields of interest are occupational epidemiology (mainly on cancer, asbestos, musculoskeletal disorders, psychosocial factors and methods of evaluation of occupational exposure), and social epidemiology (determinants of health inequalities).
Marcel Goldberg is member of several French government advisory committees, of the Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits of the EU Commission and was President of the French Speaking Epidemiologists Association (1994-1998).
Among others, Marcel Goldberg is the PI of several research projects: the National Mesothelioma Surveillance Program, Contribution of occupational factors to health social inequalities, Workage: Long-term effects of working conditions on ageing and health social inequalities. Marcel Goldberg was from the beginning the PI of the GAZEL Cohort Study (co-PI since 2000: Marie Zins), and is also deeply involved in the preparation of a large population-based cohort (the CONSTANCES project): both these cohorts are large (GAZEL: 20,000; CONSTANCES: 200,000), collecting prospectively comprehensive sets of various data, and largely open the scientific international community.