Charles Pineau
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  • Phone : +33 (0)2 23 23 50 72
  • Location : Rennes, France
Last update 2024-07-15 16:53:19.477

Charles Pineau PhD Biomedical Sciences

Course and current status

1987-1989: Lecturer, University of Rennes I, France

1990: PhD Biomedical Sciences, University of Rennes I, France

1990-1992: Post-doctoral fellow, The Population Council, Rockefeller University, New York, USA

1993-1994: Staff Scientist Inserm - Unit 435, Rennes, France

1995- 2005: Senior Staff Scientist Inserm  - Unit 625, Rennes, France

2006-2011: Research Director Inserm  - Unit 625 - Head of the Team Normal & pathological germ cell lineage 


Research Director Inserm - Unit 1085, Irset, Rennes, France - Head of team COCOON

Director of Protim Core facility

Director of Biosit (UAR 3480 CNRS, US 018 Inserm)

Scientific summary

Over the past thirty years, Charles Pineau has been working in the field of reproductive biology and is a renowned specialist of spermatogenesis. He has heavily invested in the development of proteomics and integrative proteomics technologies and his applying these to answer biological and clinically relevant problems in the field of testicular pathophysiology and reproductive toxicology. Dr Pineau currently serves as Research Director and team leader at IRSET (Inserm unit 1085, Rennes, France - Team Cocoon). He is leading the Protim Facility ( and his the Director of BIOSIT. Dr Pineau’s team focuses on the deciphering of the testicular proteome in mammals with a priority given to the identification of novel germ cell proteins that play a key role in the normal and pathological spermatogenesis. His recent breakthrough work identifies novel testicular germ cell proteins using a proteogenomics approach. C. Pineau's team is part of the Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project and is tackling the characterization of "missing proteins" in the human spermatozoa. Among applications of its fundamental work to clinics, the team also uses germ cell-specific proteins markers identified by integrative proteomics for developing a diagnostic multiplex test of infertilities in men (FertichipTM assay). His team also uses MALDI Imaging mass spectrometry to help better understand the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of small molecules (environmental toxicants, pharmaceutical molecules) on the male and female reproductive spheres.

Charles Pineau serves as a recognized scientific expert in the field of male reproduction, proteomics and reproductive toxicology for national and international funding agencies. He is a scientific consultant for several pharmaceutical companies. Of note is that Charles is one of the past President of the French Proteomics Society (FPS). Currently, he is Vice President of the Society for Reproductive Medicine (SMR), PI of the French initiative (Chromosome 14 team) in the C-HPP and he is the current chair of the Human Proteome Project. 

Image d’exemple