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Last update 2011-03-29 15:51:07.845

Philippe Musette Professor of Dermatology MD PhD

Course and current status



Medical trial

Internat Ile de France 23Th 1992

Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences 1992

CESAM 1993

DES Dermatology1997

MD PARIS 7 1997

DESC Immunology1999 

Assistant Professor november 97 to october 2000 Saint-Louis hospital Dermatology department  Pr Dubertret. 

Professeur of Dermatology (PU-PH) september 2002. C. Nicolle hospital Rouen, Dermatology department Pr Joly. 

Scientific trial 

Master of  Biochimistry PARIS 5 1990

PhD PARIS 6 1996

HDR PARIS 5 2001

CR1 INSERM november 2000 to august 2002 INSERM 532  Saint Louis hospital


President of the "Société de Recherche en Dermatologie " 

President of the "conseil scientifique de la Société Française de Dermatologie"

President of the "conseil d'orientation scientifique du programme national de recherche en Dermatologie" 

Coordinator of the National program in Dermatology

Member of the board of the European Society for Dermatological Research

Scientific summary

The skin constitutes a major barrier to the outside, which is constantly confronted to environmental aggressions of physical, chemical or microbial origin. The skin includes an immune system, able to develop an innate and adaptive immune response. In certain circumstances these responses can be exacerbated and then lead to immune-mediated skin disorders, such as skin adverse drug reactions and autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus and autoimmune bullous diseases. The objective of our group was to understand the immunological mechanisms which sustain these immune dermatological diseases. A first project was aimed to understand the role of the T cells in drug- induced eruptions and to assess, the respective roles of drugs and viral reactivations on the T cell activation. A second project was focused on the role of TLRs on the development of the autoimmune B cell response in lupus erythematosus, which is characterized by the diversity of the autoantibody response. Thirdly we performed a biological and clinical study on the innovative treatment of pemphigus patients with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. These studies  were based not only on murine experimental models, but also on an original cognitive biological research in humans during therapeutic trials evaluating innovative treatments. 

Image d’exemple