Virginie Rondeau
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 0683057704
  • Location : BORDEAUX, France
Last update 2012-11-16 21:48:32.505

Virginie Rondeau Researcher in Biostatistic

Course and current status

Researcher at the INSERM institute since 2001

2008                HDR (ability  to conduct research), Biostatistic 

2000-2001       Post Doctorat (Biostatistic), USC University, U.S.A.

2000                Ph.D. in Biostatistic, Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux2, France

1996                Master Epidemiology & Biostatistic, Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux2, France

1994                B.Sc. Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences, Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux2, France

 Referee for several journals (ex : Biostatistics, Biometrics, LIDA, Statistics in Medicine …)


Expert / consultance in Biostatistic

TEACHING:   Biostatistic and Epidemiology since 2000

Masters in biostatistic and epidemiology, Medical school, Ingeniory school of Biology


2001 –now      Each year, supervisor of PhD, masters or bachelors students

Scientific summary


  • Prognostic survival  models and validation
  • Joint Models for recurrent events and death
  • Recurrences of cancer (follicular lymphomas, breast cancer, colorectal)
  • Models for geographical clustered data
  • R package “FRAILTYPACK”


  • Cancer recurrences and prognosis
  • Aluminum in drinking water and Alzheimer’s disease   
  • Air Pollution and mortality

National and international collaborations

Image d’exemple