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  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2017-08-27 19:06:06.5

Luc LEGRES MicroLaser Biotech Network

Course and current status

from 1977 to 1984
Graduate student at the Paris-Sud University (Orsay, Paris XI)
in the field of Biochemistry and Physiology.

in 1990 at the RWTH Klinikum, Aachen, Germany
A one year Inserm's fellowship working at the Institute für Biochemie
in the laboratory of Pr Peter C. Heinrich.

in 1992 at the Faculty of Medicine Xavier-Bichat, Paris
Ph.D from the University of Paris-Diderot, obtained with the higher degree.

from 1992 to 1995 at CNRS URA-147
Post-Doc fellow, at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in Villejuif (France)
where I practice electron microscopy.

from 1995 to 1998 at Inserm CJF-9411
Post-Doc fellow, at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in Villejuif (France)
where I practice cell culture and immunology.

since 1999 at the Hospital Saint-Louis, Paris


  • UPRES EA-2378, until 2001
  • ERM-0220, from 2002 to 2010
  • UMR_S728, from 2011 to 2014
  • UMR_S1165, since 2015

Permanent position at the Inserm as 1st Class Research Engineer, in the laboratory Inserm, UMR_S1165 actually, located in Paris at the Institute of Haematology (IUH) where I am in charge of a laser microdissection Unit and of the animal histopathology Department.

- Skills in Laser Microdissection technology since 1999
     Coordinator and in charge of the French Micro-Laser network since 2001,
     a national network composed of one hundred members offering scientific meetings 2-3 times a year and technological training (Besançon, Bordeaux and Rouen).

 - Skills in molecular biology and on animal models-based experiments (Level 1)

- Workshops and scientific seminars organizer
      * 2004, 5th & 6th of October
          Laser Microdissection applications using the PALM system
      * 2006, 22th & 23th of March
          Global genomic amplifications from small amount of biological tissues
      * 2008, 29th & 30th of May
          From small animal imaging towards the proteomic of small amount of tissue biopsies
      * 2013, 12th & 13th of September
          Pre-analytical steps of very low amount of tissue biopsies
             All the presentations are on line:

- Organization of "La Fête de la Science" as Scientific Director at the IUH since 2001

in 2008
     Received the Inserm Innovation Award in the service of accompanying research.

Teaching at the Paris-Diderot University, Paris
     - Master 2, Biochimie, Cellules, Cibles Thérapeutiques (BC2T)
             Parcours "Macromolécules Pathologiques et Thérapeutiques"
          - 2014, from 24th to 26th of November
          - 2015, from 23th to 26th of November
          - 2016, from 21st to 24th of November

Scientific summary

Originally a long academic career around the Biochemistry and Animal Physiology starting in 1978 at the Paris-Sud University (University Paris XI, Orsay) up to 1984. A research training in the field of molecular biology techniques then at the Laboratory of Enzymology (CNRS in Gif-sur-Yvette) under the direction of Dr. José Salat-Trepat which has been realized by obtaining a degree in Human Biology focused on digestive physiology (DERBH) in 1986.

Then in 1992, I got my PhD on the study of proteins in the acute inflammatory response observed in rats in which I conducted a one-year stay in 1990 on a scholarship Inserm training based on IL-6 studies in a European laboratory of international renown in Aix-la-Chapelle (RWTH Klinikum, Institute für Biochemie, Aachen, Germany).

Two post-doctoral fellowships followed afterwards from 1992 to 1998 at the Institut Gustave-Roussy (Villejuif), on the cytokine-dependant inflammatory process for the former and on the apoptosis study for the latter, allowed me to acquire additional knowledge in the field of cell culture and proteomic analysis (Western blotting, IP, IHC, ...).

I joined INSERM with a permanent position in 1999 until now as Responsible for the management of the Department of Animal Models Pathology at the Institute of Hematology (Hospital Saint-Louis, Paris), and as Headleader since 2001 of the laser Microdissection Unit.

Since 2001 I found the first network dedicated to the laser microdissection technology. This network includes just over one hundred members now and meets two or three times a year since 2009 through the organization of focused meetings on morphological and molecular analysis of very small sizes biological samples (biopsied under control imaging or microdissected), in regard to all species (human, animal and plant) and all pathologies.

Since November 2014, I supported the organization of lectures given as part of the course "Pathological and Therapeutic Macromolecules" within the Master 2 BC2T (Biochemistry, Cells, Therapeutic targets) of the University Paris-Diderot. All these lectures lasting three full days attempts to provide a better understanding of the action of targeted therapies to move towards personalized medicine by an experimental and applied approach using either cells (stem cells, cells "on") or targeted drugs at histological or molecular level. This 3-Days courses also consist of scientific article analysis sessions usually charged to students in pairs. This education is supposed to renew annually at the same time.

Image d’exemple