Florian Lesage is director of research (DRCE) at Inserm (French National Institute of Health). He is a molecular biologist and has extensive experience in cloning, expression and characterization of ion channels, particularly in the neurosensory systems. He is the author of 17 international patents and >130 publications that have received more than 20000 citations, h-index:70 (http://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=4RXbfuMAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao). He is/was on the editorial board of several scientific journals including Physiological Reviews, Journal of Physiology, European Journal of Physiology, PeerJ, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience and Frontiers in Pharmacology.
Florian Lesage is the director of the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Sophia Antipolis, France and of the Laboratoire d'Excellence "Ion Channel Science and Therapeutics" (LabEx ICST, www.labex-icst.fr/en). He was CNRS scientific delegate for the ATP-Avenir programme, and in charge of Conferences Jacques Monod and interdisciplinarity at CNRS Biology.
Florian Lesage has identified a class of ion channels that are promising targets for the development of new medicines. Located at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC), Sophia-Antipolis, Florian Lesage‘s research group is currently working to better understand the structure, physiology and pathophysiology of these channels. This includes fundamental approaches (structure/function, proteomics, mouse gene inactivation) and more clinical aspects (potential role of ion channels in genetic and acquired neuronal disorders).