Jean-Antoine Girault
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  • Phone : +33145876152
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2011-04-02 18:02:46.688

Jean-Antoine Girault MD, PhD, Research Director, Neuroscience

Course and current status

Current position

Inserm Research Director, classe exceptionnelle (DRCE)

Head, Institut du Fer à Moulin, UMR-S 839, Inserm, UPMC

Previous positions

2007-10  Founder & Director, Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris-Ile-de-France (ENP) Paris School of Neuroscience

2000-06  Inserm Research Director, 1st class, Head of Inserm Unit 536 “Signal transduction and plasticity in the nervous system”

1992-99  Inserm Research Director, 2nd class, U114, group leader, Collège de France

1990-92  Staff scientist, 1st class Inserm, U114, group leader, Collège de France

1987-89  Assistant Professor, Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (Pr. P. Greengard), The Rockefeller University, New York

1985-87  Post-Doctoral Fellow, Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience (Pr. P. Greengard), The Rockefeller University, New York

1982-85  Graduate Student, Neuropharmacology, Collège de France (Pr. J. Glowinski)

1981-85  Resident (Intensive care, Psychiatry, Neurology), Paris Hospitals

1980  Physician in charge of the Medicine ward, Libreville Hospital, Gabon (Civil service)

1978-79  Resident (Medicine, Neurosurgery), Paris Hospitals


1992  "Enabling to Direct Research" (HDR), Paris 6 University

1986  PhD, Health and Life Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Paris 6 University

1985  French National certification in Neurology

1984  MD, Paris 6 University (Silver Medal)

1980  Tropical Health and Medicine Diploma, Marseille University

1979  Masters in Biochemistry, Paris 6 University, and Physiology, Paris 5 University

1978  Medical Residency, "Internat des Hôpitaux de Paris"

1972-78  Medical school, Paris 6 University, St Antoine

1972  Baccalaureate (Math) Paris

Honors and Awards

2010      ERC Advanced research grant

2002      Coup d’élan Fondation Bettencourt-Schuller

2000      Fondation Schlumberger Price

1997      Antoine Lacassagne Price

1990      Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Neurobiology Price

1990      Stanley Award, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

1989      France Parkinson Association Price

1985      Fyssen Foundation fellowship

Scientific boards and study sections

2011-     Ile-de-France region Scientific Council, Chair

2011-     ERC junior awards committee

2010-     Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS)

2008-    City of Paris biomedical committee, Chair

2008-     Doctoral school ED3C, UPMC

2007- 10 Neuropole de Recherche Francilien (NeRF)

2007-09 Ecole Normale Supérieure Biology Department, scientific advisory board

2005-10  Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier scientific advisory board, Chair

2004-07  Ecole Normale Supérieure scientific council

2003-07  City of Paris biomedical committee

2003-07  Inserm General Director advisory board (CORES), special advisor for Neuroscience

2003-     ARSEP medico-scientific committee (French MS society)

2002-04  Curie Institute Scientific Section

2000-02  ACI Physiologie et Développement

1999-02  Inserm Neurosciences Study Section

1996-00  Human Frontier Science Program Organization

1996-99  Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale

Learned Societies 

 American Society for Neuroscience

Société Française de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire, Société des Neurosciences (treasurer, 2003-2005)

Regular Teaching Activities

 2004-     Licence and Master, Ecole Normale Supérieure

2004-     Master 2, Integrative Biology/ Physiology/ Neurosciences, Course on Neurotransmission and Signaling, UPMC

1992-03  Neuropharmacology DEA, Paris 7-Ecole Normale Supérieure

1992-04  Magistère de Biologie Biochimie, Paris 6-Paris 7-Ecole Normale Supérieure

Scientific summary

JA Girault’s main research interests are the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which neurotransmitters exert long-lasting effects in neurons. He has particularly studied the basal ganglia, which are deep brain regions implicated in the control of movement and motivation, and the main targets of dopamine, a neurotransmitter of brain reward systems. These systems play an important and conserved role in physiology and behavior, and their anomalies are implicated in several neurological and psychiatric conditions including Parkinson’s disease, drug addiction, and the effects of antipsychotic drugs. Girault’s group study intracellular signaling pathways, including protein kinases and phosphatases and contributed to the elucidation of the mechanisms of action of dopamine. He has also identified and investigated the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the action of neurotransmitters, with studies which also have implications for cancer research. In addition, this group contributed to the dissection of the molecular interactions between axons and glial cells in myelinated fibers, which are the targets of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuropathies. The present research of Girault’s team focuses on the molecular and cellular bases of incentive learning and their anomalies in neurological and psychiatric diseases.

Image d’exemple