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Last update 2022-01-06 12:27:54.973

Cécile HAUMAITRE PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics, HDR

Course and current status

- Since 2021: Senior Researcher (CRCN INSERM) - "From inflammation to cancer in digestive diseases" - INSERM 1149 - Inflammation Research Center - PARIS.

- 2014-2020 : Senior Researcher (CR1 INSERM) -  Group leader team "Genetic and Epigenetic regulation of panceas development". UMR7622 CNRS, IBPS, Sorbonne University, PARIS.

- 2013 : HDR (Habilitation to Direct Research) - UPMC, PARIS.

- 2010-2014 : Researcher (CR2 INSERM) - UMR7622 CNRS, UPMC, PARIS.

- 2005-2009 - Post-doctoral fellow - INSERM U845- Necker Medical University-PARIS

- 2005 - PhD in Developmental Genetics - UPMC, PARIS.

Scientific summary

I'm interested in genetic and epigenetic control of pancreatic function, using different mouse models allowing analysis of the role of transcription factors and epigenetic factors. I focus on the transcription factor HNF1B and the monogenic diabetes MODY5 (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young), as well as histone deacetylases (HDACs), combining phenotypic, physiological, molecular, and whole genome analyzes. We study their role in differentiation and maintenance of endocrine and exocrine cells, and more recently in pancreatic exocrine regeneration and neoplasia. Our goal is to decipher the regulatory networks governing these processes, in correlation with human physiopathology, especially in pancreatic cancer.

Image d’exemple