Laurent Kremer
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  • Location : Montpellier, France
Last update 2015-09-11 15:05:01.677

Laurent Kremer Laurent KREMER - PhD Molecular Microbiology

Course and current status


Head of the team “Mycobacterial Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutic Targets”



  • 1995, Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology and Parasitology, INSERM U167, Pasteur Institute-Lille, France
  • 1991, Engineer in Biotechnology, Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS), Strasbourg, Fr 


Present Status

Director of Research (DR2) at INSERM

Centre d'étude des Pathogènes et Biotechnologies pour la Santé (CPBS), 1919 route de Mende, 34 293 Montpellier, France                                          


Other positions held

  • 2004-2014, Research Director at INSERM, UMR 5235, CNRS Université of Motnpellier, Dpt of Biology and Health, Montpellier, France
  • 2000-2004, Research Associate at INSERM, Institut de Biologie de Lille,  France
  • 1998-2000, Post-doctoral position at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA, and at the University of Newcastle-upon-tyne, UK, headed by Pr G. S Besra
  • 1996-1997, Post-doctoral position at the Institut de Biologie de Lille, INSERM U447, headed by Dr. C Locht


Fields of Scientific Interest

Lipid and glycolipid biochemistry, Metabolism, Structural biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Membrane protein biochemistry, Molecular microbiology


Current interest

  • Mechanisms of activation and action of antitubercular drugs
  • Identification of new drug targets in pathogenic mycobacteria 
  • Role of mycobacterial lipases in the physiology and pathogenicity of tuberculosis 
  • Metabolism of mycolic acids in M. tuberculosis
  • Zebrafish model of infection to study pathogenecity of M. marinum and M. abscessus


 Scientific activity

  • Around 150 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals


Current Fundings and Awards

  • Laureate of an ATIP program in “Fundamental Microbiology“ (CNRS) (2005-2009)
  • Several programs funded by the National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Laureate the "Equipe FRM" program in 2015

Scientific summary

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiologic agent of tuberculosis, represents a major cause of death worldwide due to a unique infectious agent. Since the mid-80s, there has been a prominent progression of the disease, substantiated by the spread of the HIV pandemic and the emergence of multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains. In addition, atypical mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium abscessus, represent an emerging health problem in industrialized countries and are notorious for being highly resistant to most antibiotic treatments. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop new therapies to combat these infections. One key aspect characterizing pathogenic mycobacteria resides in their capacity to persist within the phagocytic cells for several years/decades, which is strongly associated with the presence of a very unusual cell envelope. These cell wall components play a key role in driving host-pathogen interactions necessary for the establishment and persistence of the infection and represent valid targets for several antitubercular drugs.

In this context, we explore the mycobacterial cell envelope to decipher its role in the physiopathological events characterizing the infection and to identify new pharmacological targets. Our work focuses on major cell wall (glycol)lipidic components with respect to their biosynthesis, regulation, and contribution/role in virulence in pathogenic mycobacteria.

Special attention is also given on host-pathogen interactions using the zebrafish infection model that already allowed us to identify new virulence factors in pathogenic mycobacteria.

Image d’exemple