2001: Degree in Life Science from Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, la Sorbonne, Paris, France
2005: PhD in Immunology, Université de FrancheComté/Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. "Apoptotic cell based therapeutic approach to favor tolerance in allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation setting" - Pr P Saas, UMR645, Besançon, France
2005-2007: Post-doc fellowship position @ Dr Wanjun Chen Lab, Mucosal Immunology Unit, OIIB, NIDCR, National Institues of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
2007-2008: Post-doc position @ UMR645, Pr P Saas, Besançon, France
2008: Chargé de Recherche INSERM - UMR645
2011: HDR
now: PI @ UMR1098 (ex 645) Inserm - EFS BFC - Univ FC FED4234, Besancon, France; Topic: Switch from tolerance to inflammation and vice-versa.
Our team is interested in the influence of the microenvironment over immune response. Antigen presenting cells are key cells between the microenvironment and T cell responses. in addition we investigated both cell-based therapeutic (such as apoptotic cell injection; Blood 2001, Am J Transplant 2004, Cell Death Differ 2006) and biotherapeutic (such as aCD3 injection; Nat Med 2008, J Immunol 2009) approaches to modulate the microenvironment in favor of tolerance. Our work demonstrated that plasmacytoid dendritic cells are mandatory cells in the development of tolerance through the injection of apoptotic cells (J Immunol 2011a). However the same plasmacytoid dendritic cells in TGF-ß-rich environment are able to polarize Th17 CD4 T cell response (J Immunol 2011b). Thus using several approaches from transcriptomic analysis to experimental animal models we are investigating how plasmacytoid dendritic cell can switch from tolerance to inflammation, which factors from the microenvironment dictate such switch and, influencing the microenvironment through therapeutic approaches, how control immune system education to favor tolerance.